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  • #8523

    i have stated to develop this website shown on utube. I ran into problems as i could not find the image slider. I emailed tyler moore, and he had not replied. l discovered that people had this problem also.
    I did try to download another slider metor but it was not working. And as i am very new to wordpress, strggling to find my way. So it looks like I have been left hanging on this which is really unfair.

    I have been reading now that you actually have to upgrade. Is that correct? do i have another option? then the video produced on tube is really unfair, as it misleads people. If i do need to upgrade , then I would have preferred this to have been made crystal clear on the video produced by tyler. A prompt reply would be appreciated.


    In reply to: Images on front page


    @Tom Swift: In you are using Catch Everest Pro then, you need to select the image slider from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”. There you can select the slider type as Image Slider. Then you will see the “Featured Image Slider” box where you can upload your own image.

    See this for screenshot


    In reply to: Images on front page

    Tom Swift

    Hi. I am stuck with this as well. You say to go to “Theme Options” then “Featured Slider” but I only see “Featured Post Slider”. Under there, there is nothing about “Image Slider”, just Featured Post Slider Options.

    Just to be clear, what I want to do is change the image and the comments on the frontpage on the slider. Currently, there is two pictures and text, one with Mount Everest, one with Nepal Prayer Wheels.


    @cara: Sorry I missed your thread. You should have posted in new thread then it would have been easier for me to see it.

    This is responsive design so you need to be careful while you change the stuffs. So, I am giving you the css that changes only for the large screens not for the mobile devices. You can add in the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box. For paragraph spacing. You can just add line-height. So more bout css. See this
    @media screen and (min-width: 1060px) {
    /* Font for slider text box */
    #main-slider .entry-container { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
    /* Sizes of Box */
    #main-slider .entry-container { max-width: 50%; }
    /* Font Size for Slider Title */
    #main-slider .entry-title { font-size: 30px; }
    /* Font Size for Slider Excerpt */
    #main-slider .entry-content { font-size: 16px; }


    In reply to: Images on front page


    @krisli: Oh to change the photo on the slier. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider”. Then in “Slider Options”, select which slider you want Post Slider or Page Slider or Category Slider or Image Slider.

    The easiest one to create in “Image Slider”. So, you can select the image slider.

    Then you will see the “Featured Image Slider Options” box where you can upload your own image and add details.

    For more information see theme instruction


    Hi @Sakin: still waiting on a response from my query..

    Hi, i am also having issues the the text box on the slider:
    – How do i change the font of ONLY these boxes?
    – How do i change the size of the box?
    – How do i change the size of the font?
    -How do i change the paragraph spacing of the text? It is far too gappy…

    Thanks in advance


    @burgdani: Can you try adding in the CSS mention above in Custom CSS box.


    I’m having the same problem, no box around the “Title” text in the Featured Image Slider (with catch everest version 1.2.1).


    @jmott310: Thanks a lot for creating account for me and I am able to find the issue in the site. There was css missing and I have added the following CSS in your “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box
    #main-slider .entry-title a {
    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
    color: #222;
    display: block;
    padding: 10px 25px;
    padding: 1rem 2.5rem;

    You can remove this css after the release of new version update. Have a nice day.


    @jmott310: I am mostly traveling so I don’t have fixed IP address. So, I will email you. Then you can create WordPress account for me and then you can make your site visible to login users only. In this way, I can even look at the issue in details with your server.


    @burgdani: Then you can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box to show the hidden title in slider
    .featured-slider .page .entry-title { display: block; }

    The featured page slider will take the title, excerpt and featured image from the page. You cannot add extra elements. If you want to add extra text and all why don’t you use “Featured Image Slider”.


    Thanks again for your attention. I can say this experience is making me a loyal Catch Themes customer. I have not added any additional cache plugins through WP. My domain is hosted by GoDaddy and is using Linux. I have tried to search whether GoDaddy has a separate cache, but I haven’t found anything yet. I activated another theme, deleted the Everest Pro Theme, cleared all browser caches, closed and restarted all browsers, reinstalled the Everest Pro theme, activated it, made a change in the Theme Options section, saved that, then pointed my browser, Chrome, to my site’s homepage url and I am running into the same problem, i.e., no box around the “Title” text in the Featured Image Slider. My website is not visible to the public right now due to professional regulations, and the fact it is for a future business not yet open. Please email me with your IP and I will add you to my whitelist so you can view the site, or, I can briefly make it publicly visible (just enough time for you to assist), but we would need to coordinate a day or time for that. Thanks again for the great attention and support!



    If I disable the page title as explained above, the title is also disabled in the featured page slider.
    i) Is there a way to enable the title in the page slider while it is disabled in the body of the page?
    ii) Is it possible to define the two text elements in the page slider independent of page itself, e.g. by using some special html tags in the page?


    @jmott310: Do you have cache installed in your site. If so then you need to clear your site cache and then your each browser cache so that you see same on all. Share with me your site URL and I will check your site in all browsers.


    @paulinepkehoe: The image size recommended in Width: 1140px and Height: 450px for Featured Post Slider. See this Theme Instruction page


    @miha: Since you are using Catch Everest Free theme it only allows you to add Featured Post Slider. But if you upgrade to Catch Everest Pro version then you can add in Featured Image Slider. For more details about Pro version see here

    Ok now since your using Catch Everest Free version, you will need to use Featured Post Slider to replace the image and text in the default slider. So, follow the steps as below:

    1. First create the Post and don’t forget to add in the Featured Image in the post as this image is used in the slider. To add featured image see this

    2. Then get the ID of the post. When you edit your post or write a post. you will see the id in your browser address bar. You will also see the post ID in All Posts in WordPress Dashbaord. But if you cannot find it then you can use this plugin to view it

    3. Then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. Add in the post id.

    So, the Featured Post Slider will take the ID number you have add in to get the Featured Image, Post Title and Post Excerpt text.


    For some reason the box around the “Title” text in Chrome is gone again. I was going back and forth between browsers, and one minute it was there and the next . . . gone. Now its back to the same before the update. Also, IE 10 does not have any padding around the “Title” text in the Featured Image Slider (that was the case right after the update also). Thanks again for the support!


    Thank you for the upgrade and now it looks pretty good in IE 10 as well. Some issues there but I will post in another topic. The “Title” text box in the Featured Image Slider is showing in IE 10 and Chrome after the update. However, in Firefox, Opera, and Safari the box only appears when you hover over the text. I tried clearing the caches in all browsers to no avail. So the “Title” text is still not drawing attention in those browsers. Thanks for the quick response on the last post, and I look forward to your response when you are available.


    @pensfanatics: Just adjust the color code in following CSS and add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #slider-wrap .featured-text span { color: #aaa; font-weight: bold; }


    @jmott310: Thanks for your appreciation.

    Your first issue has been fixed in latest version of Catch Everest Pro theme. So, just upgrade to latest version. After you update, change any value in the Theme Options panel to clear the cache and it will be fine.

    Second, and less important to me, is it possible to reposition and/or resize the “Title” and “Content” boxes on the published image? I am running into issues where the text is detracting from the image by covering important portions. I would like to avoid that if possible.
    — Yes you can hide it by adding the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #main-slider .entry-container { display: none; }

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