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  • #4660

    How on earth do I get rid of the picture of mount everest and the Nepales prayer wheel on my web site?  These two picture are the default images when you use the catch everest theme. I’ve been trying for two hours and I can’t seem to set my own picture into this area or get rid of mount everest.

    What on earth am I missing?


    @wul: Please see the Theme Instruction . This is Featured Post Slider which can be controlled through “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”


    I am having the same problem…followed the links


    then click to edit takes you to posts and ends there?


    Ok, I follow your instructions and I get to “Post SliderOptions” and a box which says:

    Note: Here You can put your Post IDs which displays on Homepage as slider.

    What is a “Post ID”  and where do I find it? Also why is it called a “post” when what I want is an image?

    Is this an image which has been put onto the same page as one of my blog posts?


    Thanks for trying to help. This is driving me nuts.


    oh my this is making me go insane !! am i missing something really simple as i cannot change the huge image of Everest either , ive tried following the advice ive seen here but i also end up on a post section where i see ‘hello world’ etc no section for changing the image slider.

    Please help as i think where all going nuts 🙂

    thanks alot


    To make you clear Catch Everest Theme uses Featured Post Slider. This slider is created to highlight your post in the slider. Post means your article. So, you need to add in the ID’s of the post for which you want to highlight as the slider. After you add in the Post ID. The slider will take the featured image of the post, then title and excerpt. So, it is very necessary to add Featured Image in the respective post.

    Post IDs are shown in the address bar when you edit or add new post. But if you still cannot find the post ID. Then we have developed Catch IDs and install it. It will show the post ID in the post

    To add Featured Image in the post see this:


    Thank you so much ive managed to do it 😀




    @Anna: It’s great. Can you post your site URL? Just wanted to see it.


    Thanks Sakin, I have now got the slider working. Your instructions helped. I would recommend the “Catch ID” widget too, it makes life easier. Just playing around with my new site here:

    I do like this theme, it is very attractive, you did a good job. Did you design it?  It is not clear enough how to change the feature slider within the programme, as shown by others here who had a problem. Also the user guide is not specific enough exactly how to change the slider. More detail is needed.

    Another issue I have is that when viewing the gallery the page will “jump up” to the top between slides and the viewer has to scroll down again to see the picture.

    You should be proud of this theme. Thanks for your help, what a relief. Wul.


    @wul: Your site looks great. Yes, we as a team in Catch Themes work in both design and development.

    I will check in more details about the user guide.

    You have enable Featured Post Slider for Entire Site. Why don’t you select only for the Homepage in Slider Options. This will make the slider show only in the homepage and your visitor will not have to scroll down to see the picture.

    Yes, that a lot for your appreciation. We are really happy with all our theme and trying our best to give you all more and more beautiful themes.


    Hi Sakin,

    Im having a similar problem too. Ive added a post | 

    but when I paste it into Featured Slider Post #1

    etc etc and save, it states ‘option saved’ but the links arent retained when I go back into the featured post slider options area.

    1. I have added a post. 2. Ive included a featured image with correct dimensions. 3. I use the post url with id. But, the slider wont update.

    Im assuming I have correct write permissions etc on wordpress and theme files.

    Can you help me out? Dummy site is at



    @skweekah: You just need to add the Post ID not the whole link. For example: If you want the post in your Featured Post Slider. Then you need to add only 74 in the Featured Slider Post #1 field.


    Hey Sakin,

    Thanks for your response mate. Works.

    Great theme. You are a talented man! You make our lives easier!

    Best wishes,



    Hi Jason,

    It’s great that it worked for you. Sorry to all if the theme instruction is not so clear. We are working on to make it better.



    Hi Sakin,
    I apologize if this is a simple problem, but I am having trouble with the slider/blog.
    I can get the slider images to show up, but whenever I click on them it takes me to an error page.
    My guess is that its related to the fact that the permalink when I create a post shows  ‘/about_us’ instead of ‘/blog’ , but I don’t know why.
    Either way you spin it, I am at a loss for how to straighten this out.  Can you help?



    @Madeline: Looks like you have customize the theme. As This theme only takes Post ID for the Featured Post Slider. There is problem with your permalinks in the customization your have made. So, need details about your customization. You can contact me at support[at]catchthemes[dot]com


    I still have no clue where you find the post ID at? I have created a post with an image and I’m now under feature post slider options. It as asking for the post ID, but I still cannot find a post ID anywhere!? HELP! I have been stuck on adding images for about an hour!


    Hi Sakin,

    It looks like everything is working now : )

    Thanks so much,



    @acoulte: Post IDs are shown in the address bar when you edit or add new post. But if you still cannot find the post ID. Then we have developed Catch IDs plugin . You can install this plugin and it will show the respective IDs of post in your Post Panel. Or see this video which shows how to find post ID without any plugin.


    Hi Sakin, just wanted to say how much I like theme!! Very elegant, very useful!

    I wonder if I may make a feature request re: the sliders,..  is it possible to add the 3D slider from modularweb (  its really cool.  I think it would add an little something extra & really draw the crowds!!

    Loving your work!!!

    All the best,




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