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  • #306122

    Hi! How can I change the testimonials pager image (the small image in the circle which shows the client image?) I can’t believe that it’s so difficult to find it!


    @belex24: Can you Please let me know the Testimonial type that you are using to display your testimonial ?To know more about adding testimonial please follow the following link





    @belex24: The images on the circle are the “Featured Image” on the page/post/post type you have selected. Read this for the Featured image

    But if you have selected the “Select Type” as Custom in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Testimonials”. Then, you will get the Select Image option in the Customizer.


    how can I send you screenshots?!?!


    Hi, I’d like to add screenshots but it’s not possible in that forum?!?! Not even LINKS to screenshots?! When I add links it says:
    <div class=”bbp-template-notice error” tabindex=”-1″ role=”alert”>

    • Error: Your reply cannot be created at this time.

    So anyway here is my answer:

    thank you so much for your answers but unfortunatly it does not help.

    I can use both versions:

    When I use post than the situation is this:

    See here: testimonials got two images. featured image is the bigger one. The client image is which I cannot find.

    When I use custom I got two possibilities in the customizer to upload images: one for testimonial and one for client:

    but the second image stays empty in the source code. It won’t be displayed. No matter if I use jpg, png. I even used the original images from the example data. But it won’t be shown. This is a bug.

    So finally it would help if I know where the image comes from when I choose “post”.

    Thank you again.


    @belex24: Now sure why you are not able to upload the screenshot URL. Maybe it has words that are restricted in the forum. So, you should get an email from us where you can share details screenshot URL, and issue. Please check your spam/junk folder as well if you don’t see it in your inbox.



    @belex24: The issue of the pager image on Custom Testimonials has been fixed in version 2.5.8. Please update your theme. Thanks for reporting the issue.


    Hi Sakin,

    wow, thank you so much for your fast help!

    Regarding the Update: I don’t see any update information in my dashboard, though it’s still 2.5.7.

    screenshot here (still can’t publish the post with screenshot links; says: Error: Your reply cannot be created at this time.)

    So I went to the information about the theme and found this tab ” Updating Pro Theme”:

    screenshot here

    I learned that I need to install the Catch Updater Plugin, which I did.

    Then I learned that I can’t update anymore with the Catch Updater Plugin (since 2020).

    So? How to update without loosing all my settings? Just reinstall the newer version?



    Hi Bettina,

    Looks like you haven’t activated the Theme License key to get the update notification and one-click update.

    Please check the FAQ below for theme license key activation and theme update:

    * Active License key:
    * Update Theme:



    Great, thank you very much Sakin! Everthing works now.


    Hi Bettina,

    Nice to hear back from you and glad that my support worked on your website. If it’s not too much trouble, I have a quick request: could you please leave an honest review? Your review will help others know what to expect when they’re looking for the support I offer. Even a sentence or two would be hugely appreciated. Thanks, and if there’s anything else at all that I can do to help, don’t hesitate to let me know. Have a good day! 🙂


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