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  • #14659

    My site:

    I am using Simple Catch theme.

    If you see to see the actual page contents “below the image slider” one has to scroll down on every page…
    my client does not want that..
    so the options I have are:
    1. Reduce the height of the image slider
    If I do this ; the images shown in the slider would be very small.. so this option is ruled out…
    2. Move all the page (i.e contents) a little up so that at-least some part of the page content will be shown when the site is loaded… ( one does not need to scroll-down to see the page )..

    so, can somebody help me to use the space empty space as a little as possible and move the contents upward…
    1. Reduce the menu size (the box I am talking about)
    2. Remove the dots of the slider (considering that removal will move the below page upward)
    3. Remove the text below the image slider ( again considering that the removal will move the below page upward)
    4. Use the space which spans from the start of the page till Site-title?
    any other thoughts to use the blank available space on the page and to move the page upward ?

    Oh by the way, I am a newbie on wordpress and this is my first site.. so please bear with me if I dont understand exactly what you are saying..
    Thank you very much in advance…


    Oh by the way, I am a newbie on wordpress and this is my first site.. so please bear with me if I dont understand exactly what you are saying..
    Thank you very much in advance…


    @nevesagar: Can you try adding in the following CSS in your “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #header .top-bg { display: none; }
    #header .logo-wrap,
    #header .social-search { margin-top: 10px; }
    #header .social-search form.searchform, #main { padding-top: 10px; }
    #header #mainmenu { margin-top: 20px; }
    #controllers, .featured-text { display: none; }

    Perfect. You made my day. A bunch of thanks. and congratulations for creating such a coool theme.

    by the way, I just noticed that, The widget I have ‘refer a friend’ needs to be appear on the ‘right’ side of every page.. However, with the change you mentioned now, it appears, below every page, after the page-content. I tried de-activating and activating the widget again however, it still appears below the page the content.. can that be taken care ?


    One more request can we make the menu bar rectangle a little smaller ? I feel there is ample space above and below the menu-bar items like ‘home’ ‘dermatology’ etc..


    @nevesagar: I don’t think it is issue with the css. Check your plugin carefully. You can check css by removing it and checking in.



    Tried it.. both ways..
    1. disabling and re-enabling the widget…
    2. Disaling the custome-css code and then re-enabling.
    when I disable the custom-css (i.e. code) .. the widget appears on the right as correctly as expected.. however, when i enable the custom-css code; the widget again go at the bottom of the page, after the contents…

    any hopes ?

    BTW, any word on making the menu bar rectangles a little smaller ?


    @nevesagar: Please clean your custom css section. Add only the required css. I see lot of codes in custom css. Also I don’t know how it looks before custom css. So, can you send me the screenshot.

    For menu, you can add the following css.

    #header #mainmenu ul li a {
        line-height: 35px;
    #header #mainmenu ul li ul {
        top: 35px;


    I really really appreciate your help in this matter. You have really given me a sign of relief that some one is out there to help me.. Thank you very much.

    The menu stuff:
    You are bang of target. The solution gave is working perfectly.

    Custom-css: Yes I have much stuff out there… all needed due to the client’s requirement…
    The screen-shots you requested:
    After :


    @nevesagar: I see the widget in the sidebar only. In which browser you are having problem.



    Oh I am sorry.. I am using Firefox(23.0.1) on Mac-Lion. Tried using Safari on the same and the widget was seen properly.
    Also widget is seen properly on Windows-IE.

    Thanks a bunch Sakin.. You Rock 🙂

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