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  • #121041
    Jen Schaper

    When I try to put another widget into my right sidebar, the widget moves to below my page. There’s plently of available space in the sidebar, so I don’t know why this is happening. Here is an example: http://bthreviews.com/bloodstone-review/
    “Our Rating Scale” should be in the sidebar, not below the comment section. I thought it might have been because the text wasn’t wrapping or something, so I tried an image instead, and it did the same thing.


    @jen-schaper : It looks like you have not inserted the widget in right sidebar because when i checked your home page the widget is not displayed there. How are you able to display the widget in one page only? If the widget was inserted on right sidebar it would have appeared in home page also.
    let me know if you need further assistance.


    Jen Schaper

    That widget is set to be category specific. It will only show up if you are on a post in the “review” category. However, I have tried other widgets in that same location without being category specific, and they did the same thing.

    As a test, I just added a Goodreads widget. I copied from the Widget page so you can see that the Goodreads widget is in fact set for the primary sidebar, even though it is showing up in a different location on the page:

    Primary Sidebar
    Edit widget: Blog Subscriptions (Jetpack)
    Blog Subscriptions (Jetpack): Subscribe via Email
    Edit widget: Search
    Search: Search
    Edit widget: PayPal Donation Button
    PayPal Donation Button
    Edit widget: Goodreads (Jetpack)
    Goodreads (Jetpack): Jen’s Goodreads
    Edit widget: Custom HTML
    Custom HTML: Our Rating Scale

    I appreciate your help.



    @jen-schaper : Please try removing the Donate with paypal part completely from the primary sidebar. It looks like some HTML tags are not closed properly. If the problem still persist even after removing paypal button then please let me know.


    Jen Schaper

    That worked. Thank you!


    Hello, there,
    I hope I was able to resolve your issue. If it’s not too much trouble, I have a quick request: could you please leave an honest review?
    Your review will help others know what to expect when they’re looking for the support I offer. Even a sentence or two would be hugely appreciated.
    Thanks, and if there’s anything else at all that I can do to help, don’t hesitate to let me know.


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