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  • #10589

    Hi Catch themes Team,

    First of all, I really love your wordpress themes and used them for 2 pages already. Nevertheless I encountered an issue with the Simple Catch Theme which I’m unable to resolve.

    When you resize or minimize the browser and use the scrollbar to scroll to the right the header and footer section background disappears. It shows up fine if you resize the browser or maximize it again but it doesn’t like scrolling.
    Anything I could do to fix this issue?

    This behaviour is reproducible on the simple catch demo page so it’s not related to any customizations.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    @deadwalker: First of all Simple Catch Free theme in not Responsive. So, I don’t know why you are tying to scroll it. It will display same in all devices. No changes and not responsive.

    If you want responsive then use Simple Catch Pro theme, this adjust as per the screen size.


    Hi Sakin,

    Thanks for the prompt feedback.

    I’m totally aware that Simple catch (free) is not responsive nevertheless I don’t think the behaviour I mentioned is normal.

    Let me try to summarize the behaviour again:
    If you resize the browser window so it’s smaller than the 978 grid layout a scrollbar will show up. This is as expected as the theme isn’t responsive, correct?
    If you now make use of that browser scrollbar (to scroll to the right to see the rest of your non-responsive site) you will see that the header and footer background disappears. Why is that?

    I hope that explains.


    @deadwalker: Ok I got that. This is not an issue but the responsive issue. But if you want to fix that then you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    @media screen and (max-width: 990px) {
    	#header, footer {
    		width: 978px;	

    Awesome Sakin, this works like a charm!

    Thanks for the outstanding support, next step is to buy Simple Catch Pro and support your work! 😉


    @deadwalker: Welcome. I told you that’s the responsive issue and I gave you the responsive css for screen size less thank 990px. But it’s cool.

    Thanks for using Simple Catch theme.

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