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  • tychoweb

    I realise this is the third “one question” but I am trying desperately to make the telephone bigger (it is h2), in the code below, whatever I set the font-size to isn’t making any difference at all. The ‘font-type’ works but I can’t make it bigger. Is there anything wrong with this code?

    h2 {font-family: adobe-garamond-pro,sans-serif;font-size: large;font-style: oblique;font-weight: 399;letter-spacing:8px;}


    Also Sakin, I do have one more question. I have finished the site but I need to add an email address in the right header. Are you able to advise any way of just adding some text here?

    One more question, I am thinking of upgrading in the next month, will the sites I’m working on be upgraded or will I have to start them from scratch to use the new features?

    Great work by the way, I really appreciate all your help on this forum. I am completely new to WordPress and feel I am really getting somewhere.


    Hi guys,

    Charliecorns, I used MJ conact us from the form and widget logic for it to only appear on some pages.

    Thanks Sakin, I actually got it working with this but I’m sure a lot of it is unessary:

    /* Header Background Color */
    #masthead {
    background-color: #D8D8D8 ;
    /* Content Background Color */
    .site {
    background-color: #D8D8D8 ;

    #header-menu a { color: #D8D8D8 ; }

    /* For widget background and text color */
    .widget {
    background-color: #D8D8D8 ;
    color: #454545;
    /* For pages and posts */
    .hentry {
    background-color: #D8D8D8 ;
    color: #0000;


    Just to update- it’s just the headings on the bottom sections I am trying to change the colour for.

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