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  • in reply to: Edit Copyright in Pro version #147391

    Thanks. My question isn’t clear — where is the code I can edit? I have a child theme already, but the clean-journal footer.php file doesn’t have the code that is pulling the copyright, site name, design credit, etc. Happy to code the changes, just don’t know where <?php wp_footer(); ?> is. Thanks!

    in reply to: Edit Copyright in Pro version #147250

    Oh, well that explains it. 🙂 So you’re saying that the content I currently have in my footer is auto-generated?

    in reply to: Featured content in a static homepage #104286

    I have a clean-journal child theme and am trying to figure out how to create a TWO COLUMN LAYOUT for the featured content. Unfortunately, the admin customizer only allows a minimum of 3 columns.

    I found I can do this in the file /inc/clean-journal-featured-content.php by changing line 141 from
    <section id=”featured-content” class=”‘ . $classes . ‘”>
    <section id=”featured-content” class=”layout-two featured-page-content border-top”>

    However, when I upload the file to my child theme’s /inc/ folder, it has no effect. This only works when I overwrite the parent theme’s original file. Is there a better way?

    in reply to: Move Nav Menu #103468

    FANTASTIC. Very simple and works perfectly! This was exactly what I needed and doesn’t require CSS workarounds. Thanks so much for the excellent response and great service.

    in reply to: Move Nav Menu #103422

    Hello, I am interested in a response to this question as well. I’m using the Clean Journal theme and have a child theme set up. I want to move the nav-primary above the header, but there’s no clear template.

    Template order: Header Top, Masthead, Primary Nav
    Desitred order: Header top, Primary Nav, Masthead

    In header.php I moved “do_action( ‘clean_journal_after_header’ );” above “do_action( ‘clean_journal_header’ );” which seems like a sloppy way to handle this. I then had to use negative margins in the css to switch header top with primary nav. Is there a correct way to handle?

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: HTML stripped from Excerpt on Homepage #55854

    thanks so much for the reply! i actually discovered a simpler solution: if i create a manual excerpt, html is included.
    (edit post > screen options > excerpt > bottom pane)

    this way i only have to hand manage the problem posts.
    thanks again!

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