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  • in reply to: Change copyright year? #49258

    Okay. That’s good. Thanks! 😀

    in reply to: Header image stretches too high in Internet Explorer #23417

    Thanks for the reference to that plugin. However, the site works better without it.

    The fix I posted above is good, though. If you were to incorporate it into your header.php, it would help others using your theme to be able to present a better-looking site to the large number of visitors who use IE8.

    As for discouraging the use of IE8, should I put up a page that says to visitors, “I don’t like your choice of browser, so if this site looks crappy, it’s not my fault?”

    20 to 30% of computer users still use Windows XP even given its upcoming end of support life. And on Windows XP, version 8 is the highest version of IE that you can even get. These people’s computers do not support IE 9. And they are a very significant percentage of users.

    What do you say to these people? “Sorry, we don’t serve you. Either go buy a new computer, or go to some other web site?” My clients won’t be very impressed with my saying that to a large percentage of their customers.

    So I don’t see it as being my job to tell visitors what OS or browser I want them to use. I might as well tell them, “Sorry, we don’t cater to smartphones.”

    My job is to cater to whatever they’re using. And for 22% of people who have computers, that’s still Internet Explorer 8.

    in reply to: Header image stretches too high in Internet Explorer #23371

    Wow. As of last month, Internet Explorer 8 is still being used by 22% of desktop visitors — nearly one FOURTH of visitors who are using an actual computer — and you don’t support it?

    I’m very surprised.

    At least I found a fix for the major issue, which was the stretching of the header image. The page being too wide, I can live with.

    in reply to: Header image stretches too high in Internet Explorer #23229

    Okay, I think I’ve pretty well fixed the problem by making a child theme, copying header.php, and adding the following code before the </header> tag:

    <!–[if IE 8]>
    var imgs, i, w;
    var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName( ‘img’ );
    for( i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++ ) {
    w = imgs[i].getAttribute( ‘width’ );
    if ( 615 < w ) {
    imgs[i].removeAttribute( ‘width’ );
    imgs[i].removeAttribute( ‘height’ );

    There’s still a problem, though. In IE8, it renders the page too wide. The problem does not seem to happen in IE9/10 etc.

    in reply to: Header image stretches too high in Internet Explorer #23214

    Update: According to, it looks like it’s only a problem in IE8.

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