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  • in reply to: how to increase the font size of the theme? #164354

    Hi again,

    Forsome reason disabling the Single Page/Post Image hasn’t removed the image from the page i’ve tried it on (About Us)

    Please help !

    Re. the porfolio, when you say “put the posts into a single category” what do you mean by that? They’re just images I added in.


    in reply to: how to increase the font size of the theme? #163895

    what’s the following CSS code? thanks

    also is there a way for the home page portfolio to only show say 4 images and then “see all” option? as on mobile it’s just a huge list of images. or perhaps a few photos and a link to another portfolio page?

    in reply to: how to increase the font size of the theme? #163822

    just to add, I don’t have the header image enabled on the home page, as I ended up using “featured content” instead, not sure if this will cause problems?

    in reply to: how to increase the font size of the theme? #163821

    thanks so much, both worked great!

    Only problem is when I add a featured image, it shows up behind the title (which I want) but also as a stand-alone image above the body text…is there a way to have it just behind the title on each page?


    in reply to: how to increase the font size of the theme? #163723

    thanks! yes that worked great! What is the wording for page title so I can change that too?

    Also how do I change the image behind the page title? thans!

    in reply to: Image behind page title #163560

    Hi Skandha, thanks for this!

    also how do I change the title fonts to make them a bit smaller, i’ve managed to make the body font smaller using CSS

    Also if possible please could you tell me how to remove the little icons where each item is on “Services” and “Why Choose Us”….using Solid Construction Pro theme, or will they only disappear if I upload images? The problem I have is find images all the same size or icons.. do you have any icons available?

    Thank you! Claire

    in reply to: how to increase the font size of the theme? #163559

    Hi Skandha, thanks for this! How do I also change the title fonts to make them a bit smaller too?

    Also if possible please could you tell me how to remove the little icons where each item is on “Services” and “Why Choose Us”….using Solid Construction Pro theme:

    Thank you! Claire

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