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#access { background-color:#33ff33; }
This works just in Internet Explorer, see here:
It works not in Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera.
I added:#access { background-color:#33ff33; }
for testing, but it does not work (see:
The menu color is still dark gray…
Amy idea what my mistake is?
I’m using the Catch Box theme. If I add the code
#access-primary-menu { background-color:#ffa015; }
this does not work. How can I change the Color of the Catch Box Menu?
Thank you for your help.
mailhunterParticipantI have there posted my review yet;).
mailhunterParticipantThank you, Mahesh! Your support is very good!
mailhunterParticipantHi again,
I found something which I want to fix:
If I am on the page “Texte” I don’t have a arrow down (correct):
But if I choose the first (or another) child, there is an arrow up.Demo:
How can I turn-off this arrow up?
I know, I have to add a CSS for every child (so for every site under the category “Texte”) probably. But what CSS instruction I need to erase this arrow up?
I hope you get what I want are you are able to help me.
mailhunterParticipantThe subscription problem I have in connection with your support forum. I should get mails if there are new posts, but this don’t work.
Menu: I mean this:
<span class="mobile-menu-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Menu', 'catch-box' ); ?></span>
This “Menu” should be automatically translated to German? In my case it don’t work. But this would be great.mailhunterParticipantSorry, Opera had cache problem, after clearing its okay…
mailhunterParticipantI found a very big error: In Opera I don’t have a menu. It is not displayed! Any idea why? If I turn to mobile view, I have the menu link, but if I click, nothing happens. Have you an idea? If not, I must switch to an old version.
mailhunterParticipantYeah, thank you. Now it looks fine:).
Two things:
I don’t get e-mail notifications when new posts are created although I have subscribed.
And the other thing: Is it possible to link the “Menu” text with the language, so that I get “Menü” in Germany automatically?mailhunterParticipantHi,
no, this do not help.
The idea behind “.no-mobile-menu-item”-class is to have a smaller navigation on mobile devices. This is correct.
The problem is just, that I have the icon which stands for more subpages, which are correctly not shown in the mobile navigation. The idea is not to display the icon beside “Wir über uns -> Bildergalerien”, “Veranstaltungen” and “Texte”.
So I need a “display:none”-Version for “Wir über uns -> Bildergalerien”, “Veranstaltungen” and “Texte”. My idea is not to show all links in mobile navigation, I want to delete the icon is this three cases.
I hope the demo helps to show the problem:
I want to turn-off the marked arrows. In the mobile Version I don’t show all links in the menu. So the arrows are wrong there. When you click on them, no sub-pages are shown. So how can I turn-off the arrows in this categories?
To be clear: I want to delete the arrows in the categories “Wir über uns -> Bildergalerien”, “Veranstaltungen” and “Texte”.
mailhunterParticipantYes, Menü is now fixed, but I have changed the inc/catchbox-menus.php of catch-box, I was not able to change this with my child theme. But this is not a big problem.
But I have in the mobile menus down arrows, where no subpages are shown. For example the category “Texte”. In the desktop version, there are subpages shown, but in the mobile version (tablet/mobile) they are not shown. But in the mobile version I have the down arrows in the mobile version which represents subpages. But they are not shown. So how can I can turn-off these arrows in the categories where they are not needed?
mailhunterParticipantIn inc/catchbox-menus.php
there is
<span class="mobile-menu-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Menu', 'catch-box' ); ?></span>
I changed it to:
<span class="mobile-menu-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Menü', 'catch-box' ); ?></span>
So, now I get a “ü”. But if I create a inc/catchbox-menus.php in my child theme this do not work. Why?
mailhunterParticipantOkay, but now I have down arrows although I don’t have sub-pages in the mobile menu (see: “Wir über uns -> Bildergalerien”; “Veranstaltung” “Texte”). In the mobile menu there are no pages under this cathegories.
How is it possible to turn off this arrows I do bot need?
mailhunterParticipantOkay, so the icon is now not displayed any more. I would prefer an unlinked icon, instead of no icon. But no icon is for me better than a linked one:).
Thank you so far for your great support!
mailhunterParticipantHi, now I switched to the newest version in the online version.
So you can see the ploblems I have online.
The unlinked icon was in the former version (Catch Box 4.1).
mailhunterParticipantIs it possible to turn-off the tooltip text which comes up when hovering the search field?
mailhunterParticipantYes, with the help of this I found the mistake in the header.php: There was “<header id=”branding” role=”banner”> two times in it. If I delete one, the search widget looks fine!! Thank ypu.
Then there is the question, whether I am able to unlink the search icon. In my actual used version it is not link. (So the search is started by pressing the enter button. I find this better than a linked search icon. Can I turn-off the linked search icon in my child theme? How?
mailhunterParticipantHi again,
In my CSS I find:
#branding .searchform { padding-top: 0px; position: relative; text-align: center; width: 100%; max-width:500px; overflow:hidden; } /* =Search Form ----------------------------------------------- */ #branding .searchform { position: relative; top: 0; right: 0; text-align: right; } #branding .searchform div { margin: 0; } #branding #s { float: left; -webkit-transition-duration: 400ms; -webkit-transition-property: width, background; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; -moz-transition-duration: 400ms; -moz-transition-property: width, background; -moz-transition-timing-function: ease; -o-transition-duration: 400ms; -o-transition-property: width, background; -o-transition-timing-function: ease; width: 85%; } #branding #s:focus { background-color: #f9f9f9; width: 85%; } #branding #searchsubmit { display: none; } #branding .only-search .searchform { top: 5px; z-index: 1; } #branding .only-search #s { background-color: #666; border-color: #000; color: #222; } #branding .only-search #s, #branding .only-search #s:focus { width: 85%; } #branding .only-search #s:focus { background-color: #bbb; } #branding .with-image .searchform { top: auto; bottom: -27px; max-width: 195px; } #branding .only-search + #access div { padding-right: 205px; }
But I have also a problem if I deltete it (as said, see here:
In my functions.pho there is the following code in connection with search:
add_filter('post_limits', 'postsperpage'); function postsperpage($limits) { if (is_search()) { global $wp_query; $wp_query->query_vars['posts_per_page'] = 20; } return $limits; }
But this code should not influence the search layout.
I don’t know, why I have this layout problems. seems to be a search like it is in the header of the Parent Catch Box Theme.