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  • Luis

    Thank you Sakin, the solution you email me did work. One more question. Is there a way I can get rid of the gray horizontal lines (double) at the bottom of everypage, it is like a divisory line. If not the longer one that goes across the entire page, at list the one inmediately above that goes only half the page from left to right. Thanks in advance



    Sorry, but this solution you just gave me does not work. Please double check. Thanks


    Dear Sakin,

    No, I have tried that same operation many times without results. It goes back to #fff (WHITE) the moment I click on save. That’s seems to be the only color box on the list that does not work. I have changed all the others, but that one keeps on coming back no mater how hard I try.


    I already installed a different Social Links Widget, but would like to be able to change the background color of the widgets other than the default #fff

    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #8067

    Hello Sakin

    new url for website is

    1. Heather image not showing full size in Internet Explorer, there is a dark space to the right.
    2. Catch Pro does not allow me to change heather images and have several randomly changing as in the free version. How can I add/change header images?
    3. I added on the Home Page a <blink>Up Coming Events</blink) but it only works in Mozilla.
    4. Is there a way I could change receiving notifications from my current email address [email protected] to [email protected]?

    Thank you

    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #7299

    Dear Sakin,

    Is it possible to add a left sidebar to the layout aside from the right one?

    Thank you


    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #7236


    Oh well, that’s too bad. Is it possible to remove the icons for good? I will try to add them some where in the sidebar.

    Can you please help me with a combined facebook like button? I have no idea where to place two codes they provide.

    It says:

    Include the JavaScript SDK on your page once, ideally right after the opening <body> tag.
    <div id=”fb-root”></div>
    <script>(function(d, s, id) {
    var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
    js = d.createElement(s); = id;
    js.src = “//″;
    fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
    }(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));</script>

    2. Place the code for your plugin wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page.
    (I like it in the side bar where I will place the Twitter and Facebook Icons)

    <div class=”fb-like” data-href=”; data-send=”true” data-width=”450″ data-show-faces=”false” data-action=”recommend”></div>

    Thank you so much in advance!


    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #7231





    Could you please move the social  icons toward the right of the word CUISINE, then reduce the new space between the site tagline and the navigation menu?





    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #7198

    Dear Sakin,

    1. This code duplicated the icons which now appear in the header and at the bottom.

    2. I  need back the 7 randomly rotating header images I originaly had. You still have access to the site since I have not changed back the password I provided you. The Pro version does not give me a clear way of bringing them…back unless I go back to the Free Version which defeats the purpose. Thanks in advance




    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #7137

    Dear Sakin,

    I apologize for posting in a different place, I was looking for an aswer to my new problem before I went to asked you.

    My question was about moving Social Icons from footer to the top (right beside the Site’s Title and Tagline). You adviced me to do the following: @Luis: If you have Catch Box Pro then you can just add the “Catch Box Social Widgets” to Header Right Sidebar from “Appearance => Widgets”. I did that, but once I did it, all my header images dissapeared and even an unwanted Search Bar is now showing in the header. Contrary to Catch Box Free, I don’t know how to bring my header images back. Please help me restore it. Thank you


    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #7090

    Dear Sakin,

    Can I place a Futured Image Slider in the right side bar as an ad banner slider? I’d need each image in the slider,  to link to separated pages within the site, once it is cliked on. Please help. Thank you


    in reply to: Move/Add Social Icons from Footer to Header? #7087

    Contrary to the Free Version, I don’t see in the Heather menu a way to choose Header images. I tried moving the Social Link bottons to the Header Right side bar, then images dissapeared, I need them back with the Social Links to the right of the Title Site. Please help Thank you





    in reply to: Move/Add Social Icons from Footer to Header? #7086

    Hi Sakin,

    I juast did that, but then my Header imiges are gone. Is there a way to keep them both?

    in reply to: Move/Add Social Icons from Footer to Header? #7075

    Hi Sakin, I just upgrated to Pro. How can I move the social links bottons to the right of the Site Tittle?

    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #6974

    Dear Sakin,

    I just went in and erased the Home page content and wrote something in the text editor and it came back in white, which is good. However, when I copy and paste content to any page, I have to manually white the text in order to be seen. Please see ‘Home Page’ versus ‘Our Cuisine Page’

    How can I fix this permanently, so no mater if I write or paste info into pages, it will come up in white text even though I am writing with a dark color so that I can see what I am writing.

    Thank you


    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #6972

    Dear Sakin,

    1. In the original light color skim theme, all texts in my pages were written in default black color, however when I changed to Dark Color Skim, the texts all became automatically white, which makes sense, so that they could be seen in the dark background. However, anything I write now, I have to manually change the text color from black to white, otherwise it won’t show on the dark skim since they both dark (text and background) in the Dark Color Skim. I have erased all the text I entered in the home page and bring the text color to the default black. Please enter whatever text you’d like to test, then click update and see that you won’t be able to see the text in the view page, because it is lack text on a dark background. Is there an auto solution so that I don’t have to manually white color the text every time I write some content?

    2. For some reason this code is not working, I am sure I did something wrong: .entry-title, .entry-title a { color: #dddddd; text-align: center; }

    Thank you so much in advance.


    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #6927

    Dear Sakin,

    Thank you so much for doing this for me. After that, I just purchased the theme under my [email protected]. I am sure I will need help installing it.

    I still need you to help me with the following points from the previous email:

    1. I still have to color white the text, because since I am using the Dark Color Skim. This happens in most of the pages, but not all. The post seems that I can stillwrite in black colored text and the theme changes it to white once the Update button is pressed.

    2. I’d like to have a Fixed Header (and Footer) with Scrolling Content. I’d like the Header with its navigation intact, so visitors always have the ability to access the navigation while scrolling down to read the page content.

    3. How can I add color and center Page Titles.

    4. Is there a Plugin that will help me achieve a Slide Show in the Header?

    Thank you so much!


    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #6907

    Dear Sakin,


    I could not figure out how to attach the link into so I sent you the link by directly replaying to your email instead of doing it from the Forum. I also gave you the site loging and passowrd. THank you so much for doing this.


    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #6845

    Dear Sakin,

    1. I am sorry, I did not intent to upset you. I just don’t know how to fix this problem. I removed the Contact Contact button, however, I have a second button and the problem continues. I moved the Recent Post Widget to the Top of the side bar and that issue was resolved, however one of the the Social Icons is now duplicated and linking to that second button. I am frustrated, I don’t know what to do. Thank you nevertheless.


    3. I am referring to a Fixed Header (and Footer) with Scrolling Content. I’d like the Header with its navigation intact, so visitors always have the ability to access the navigation while scrolling down to read the page content.

    4. Thank you for the information. Is this possible to achieve with a plug in without having to edit the theme?


    Thank you so much for your help.


    in reply to: Please help. 7 questions about Catch Box #6821

    Dear Sakin,

    1. Here is the code provided by Contact Contact. Please let me know if you see something wrong with it.

    Couldn’t it be a bug somewhere else? While adding text widges to the side bar, at some point the Social Links in the themes (at the bottom of the page), were even linking to Constant Contact and duplicating the Facebook and Twitter Icons. I am happy to provide you with access to the site, the instant you request it, in the mean time, here is a link to it again:

    2. I am using the Dark Color Skim and I have to manually white color  any text I enter or it won’t show up in the site. It happens in most pages but not in all of them.

    3. Is it possible to tight the Header and Footer while the content pages scroll down?

    4. Regarding the Header Slide Show (not Post Slider), I do not want to install any Plug In. My question again is: Is this feature (Header Slide Show) available in the Pro version? If it is not available, please tell me which of your themes provide this feature. Again, Header Slider, not Post Slider.

    Thank you


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