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  • in reply to: Changing logo image position #7281

    Thanks a lot, with the other code you gave earlier this works like a charm! The only thing not seeming to work together with it, is the code you added that leaves the highlight on the children clicked. I guess the gradient overrides it?

    Thanks once more, you’re a wiz at this ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Changing logo image position #7267

    Thanks again! As a matter of precaution, what exactly could happen if I add this to custom CSS? Could anything be permanently damaged in the code, or will it be ok simply to remove the custom CSS code?


    in reply to: Changing logo image position #7252

    Ok, thanks! I’ll look into it.

    So I’ll ask next question instead. I liked the CSS you gave me for altering the backgrounds on the menu. I did notice that your original themes for the Pro version that I’m using have a gradient on the meny and children. Is it possible to do the same with a custom CSS like you have given me? To give the colour a gradient instead of just one colour?

    in reply to: Changing logo image position #7203

    Wow… that did the job perfectly!
    Thanks for the marvellous support indeed!

    Now for my final question when it comes to bacgrounds and menu items: Is there a simple way to somehow mark those menus which have child items? So you can easily see as soon as a menu list expands, just by looking at all menu items which ones have children?

    Some themes have a little > or similar at the right side of that menu item cell, which are expandable further, or make it a gradient colour or whatever, simply just making it clearer.

    in reply to: Changing logo image position #7192

    Hello, check , and I would like the same colour of the child menu as the main menu colour. And could you see if having selected menu item and child menu item highlighted after clicked is possible too? Thanks

    in reply to: Changing logo image position #7144

    Thanks again.. you sure got this covered ๐Ÿ™‚

    I did however notice that the background only changed for the main menu items, not the children. Do you happen to have a CSS fix for all menu items, including the children?

    Thanks again, you’re doing a great job.

    in reply to: Changing logo image position #7109

    Thank you very much! That did it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Great support service!

    I’ll go on while I’m ahead. Is there any way of making the active submenu-choice be highlighted? So when someone moves into submenus it will be easy to see what page they are on?

    And to change the background colour on menu?

    And finally, do all these CSS suggestions you give work on your other themes or only on the specific theme the question is asked on? In my case CatchBox Pro.

    in reply to: Changing logo image position #7108

    Thank you very much! That did it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Great support service!

    I’ll go on while I’m ahead. Is there any way of making the active submenu-choice be highlighted? So when someone moves into submenus it will be easy to see what page they are on?

    in reply to: Changing logo image position #7084

    Hello and thank you for your quick reply. I made a picture to show what I mean with the logo, I simply want it adjusted on the right side of the header instead of the left, according to the picture the normal place is “A” , but I would like my logo instead to be on place “B”.

    Here’s the reference picture which should explain where I’d like the logo:

    And thank you for the suggestion with the stick menu, I almost succeeded actually since there’s a plugin called:ย which almost works, but the menu gets longer when scrolled to top view.

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