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  • in reply to: Featured Photo in Post is not in the right place #159726

    Never mind. I found it Customize/ Theme Options/ Layout options.

    in reply to: Featured Photo in Post is not in the right place #159725

    I have the pro version of FullScreen and can’t figure out how to have the featured image appear to the left of the excerpted text on the Blog Page. Where do I find this setting?

    in reply to: Navigation Menu #158867

    The social links drove me crazy. Here’s how you do it. first create a new menu called something like social menu. It doesn’t matter what you call it so long as it’s different than your main menu.

    Next create some custom links. One for each social icon you want displayed. for the url you put in the actual url you are pointing at. FOr the Navigation Label put the Social icon name like so ‘name’ so Facebook would be ‘Facebook’

    Finally assign the new menu to the social on primary menu. and save menu.

    Voila, done.

    in reply to: Cant find Social Links section in customizer #158856

    Thank you! That was driving me nuts trying to figure out.

    in reply to: Cant find Social Links section in customizer #158775

    So I was looking at the wrong demo. I don’t see icons on the Full Screen Pro menu bar. Is it possible to get social icons on the menu bar as well as in the Widget? I might need a different template if I can’t do this.

    in reply to: Cant find Social Links section in customizer #158770

    I’ve installed Full Frame Pro and am trying to duplicate the secondary drop down menu with the social links and search bar that is on the demo page for Full Frame Pro. I’ve read the Theme Instructions but am at a loss.

    When I look at Menu locations the choices I have are Primary Menu, Social on Primary Menu, Footer Menu, and Social on Footer Menu.



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