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  • in reply to: menu navigation issues with mobile browsers #7881

    Ok. I assume custom code and created a child theme. Any tips?

    Also in the default home page I have the excerpt layout selected. And any image I have from a post appears full size, as big as any image in the featured slider above it. Is it possible to use custom styles to reduce the size of an image appearing in a post excerpt on the home page? I have seen a references to wp-post-image but I’m not sure if it’s the correct one or on how to apply it

    in reply to: menu navigation issues with mobile browsers #7850


    I managed to hide the text excerpt appearing in the featured slider by enabling the Excerpt field in the post view and inserting an empty space.

    Is there a way to get the subheading to appear without needing to build a custom theme?

    in reply to: menu navigation issues with mobile browsers #7841


    I have just enabled the featured slider option. Is there an optimal image size for the slider in Catch Box free?

    Also I’m using the Subheading plugin from
    Insert the following in content.php & content-single.php
    <?php if (function_exists(‘the_subheading’)) { the_subheading(‘<h4 class=”subtitle_head”>’, ‘</h4>’); } ?>

    I’d like to use the subheading in the slider as well. So the Title value, Subheading value and then “Continue Reading”  is this possible?

    in reply to: How to edit picture/text on the featured slider #7840

    deleting, sorry added a reply to the wrong post

    in reply to: menu navigation issues with mobile browsers #7735

    Ok thanks. Must be my phone browser then. Is the About link accessible once the post page is open? I also had issues there

    in reply to: menu navigation issues with mobile browsers #7691


    Site is and I added a custom menu through Appearance > Menus like you said.

    Note I only just added a custom menu today following looking into the issue and then realised it was possible. For purposes of figuring out what if anything might be wrong I’ve disabled the custom menu for now as it anyway didn’t seem to fix the issue

    in reply to: menu navigation issues with mobile browsers #7680

    Since I don’t have static home page created an entry for “Home” appears in the Primary menu  (which I refer to 1st level navigation above)  but isn’t accessible in the pages menu.

    I have created an About page so in the Primary menu I have Home & About.
    The About page is not selectable in Catch Box free using the browser on a Windows Phone 7.5 device.

    I created a custom menu and set About as the first option and a custom option for Home appearing after About. Once that was added About was selectable but Home not.

    I then reset the custom menu and added an additional third entry as a custom entry. So I now had Home, About and a dummy page. The dummy page being the last page now appears first in the dropdown representing the navigation for Catch Box free on my device and is not selectable where as About which is now in the middle is.

    Unless I’m mistaken there is something wrong with the Primary menu for Catch Box free or at least when compared with Catch Box Pro using the same browser on the same phone

    in reply to: menu navigation issues with mobile browsers #7679


    I have  a Windows Phone 7.5 smartphone.

    I have looked at using and the last item in the 1st level navigation “HTML Elements” appears as the first item in the dropdown menu representing the upper navigation on a mobile browser and is not selectable.

    I have also looked at using the same device and first item in the 1st level navigation “Home” appears as it should and is selectable.

    I have no idea why the free version of catch box displays the last item in the 1st level navigation as the first item in the browser on this particular device but it’s doing it and for my own site as well which is based on catch box free.

    Why is the menu a drop down to begin with?

    in reply to: Add subheader to post title and reduce padding #4346

    Sorry the code I added for the Subtitle 360 plugin in the reply above to removed so adding again…


    <?php if (function_exists(‘the_subtitle’)){ the_subtitle(); }?>



    in reply to: Add subheader to post title and reduce padding #4345

    Sorry the function for the Subtitle 360 plugin that I added above got removed

    in reply to: Add subheader to post title and reduce padding #4344

    I disabled the child theme as I got frustrated with all the changes and needed to get the site live. Although it’s a bit of work each time I’m okay with replacing the function below in the pages below every time catch-box is updated


    One of the bigger issues I will have is being able to format the featured slider once I need to use it since I understand that unless you buy the pro version of catch-box that you cannot. Can you confirm this and provide a URL showing the differences between the free and pro versions of the features slider?

    Also I think if possible you should consider adding in a sub heading feature into your theme, perhaps adding it to your pro version as a feature.

    in reply to: Add subheader to post title and reduce padding #4243

    I activated the child them and the values added in the Custom CSS box inside Theme Options are exactly the same as those from the parent theme but the same changes don’t apply.

    In relation to setting up the child them I wasn’t sure if I should copy the contents of the catch-box folder to the new child theme folder. When I did it broke things with an error from functions.php so I have to remove that file.

    Should I just copy style.css and any PHP files I’ve modified to the child theme folder or do I need to copy something else so that the CSS changes applied via Custom CSS appear?

    in reply to: Add subheader to post title and reduce padding #3998


    I applied the Catch Box v 1.9 updated so now the changes made to content.php, content-single.php and content-page.php have been removed.

    I have created a folder for a child them and was able to inherit the Catch Box template so all is working. A couple of quick questions though.

    1. I don’t remember what I modified within Catch Box to reduce the padding in the header area (around the header image) and this change doesn’t seem to be inherited but the child theme so is there some file I should be copying over since the custom CSS added to the theme options for the child theme are identical.

    2. Should I copy content.php, content-single.php and content-page.php to the child theme folder to apply the changes again? And if there are perhaps some updates to the original versions of those files are part of the theme update how will they be inherited? Or am I not making any sense?

    in reply to: Add subheader to post title and reduce padding #3937

    Okay I’ll try that thanks!

    in reply to: Add subheader to post title and reduce padding #3933

    ok noted. How do I create a child theme and if I do and then the theme is updated later will the changes be replicated to the child theme?

    in reply to: Add subheader to post title and reduce padding #3927

    @Sakin thanks for all the info!

    In relation to adding a subheading element.

    1. My WP install got the C Box 1.8 update so I’ve applied that.

    2. It seems that the SubHeading Plugin used to work but a recent update to WP broke it which I discovered following checking that even WP’s own themes would not work with it.

    3. There is a similar Plugin entitled “Subtitle 360” which I was able to get working by inserting the code below into content.php, content-single.php and content-page.php like you said. And by looking for “<h1 class=”entry-title”>” I was able to find the correct place ok without breaking the script.
    <?php if (function_exists('the_subtitle')){ the_subtitle(); }?>

    I assume that any updates to the them in future will remove the edits so I’ll have to add them again then.

    Thanks again for the help!

    in reply to: Reduce paragraph spacing #3919

    Got it, I’ll try that, thanks!

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