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  • in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #18005

    It seems there is a bug or an error with the theme. When I have a theme which isn’t the pro version, on I can edit the peermalink when I make a new post.

    Yet with the pro version which I’m using on there is no button to edit the permalink on posts…..

    Seems strange. I need to edit the permalinks yet can’t do it on the pro version.

    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17993

    Also just one thing. How do I change the language of WordPress back to English? When I’m in site view its in Indonesian which is irritating as I don’t really know the language. But within wordpress its still in English.

    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17992

    I prefer the custom css option if there is any way it can be done from there.

    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17991

    The site URL is

    I played around with the style.css and managed to move the Polylang widget to a different location but couldn’t get it right. Basically it needs to sit in right sidebar but right at the bottom.

    Plus the whole header area was still expanding way to large in responsive view on my mobile.

    If the theme does not need to be updated to regularly we can do it from style.css if feasible.

    Alternatively if you show me what I would need to do build a child theme thing or the custom css required for what I require. Thanks.

    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17949

    For the flag issue just now I put:

    .lang-item {
    display: inline;

    at the bottom of the style.css stylsheet for the theme but it didn’t work.

    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17948

    Also one other small thing. How do the flags go horizontal? So to the left of the text:
    FLAG – English
    FLAG – Bahasa Indonesia

    The Polylang support forum provides some code here:

    You can see the: How to display the widget flags horizontally? section

    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17947

    Hi Sakin

    So I have installed the Polylang plugin and after reading up have figured out how to use it.

    But there are some issues I need help with.

    1: Firstly in responsive mode the Polylang widget drops down and the header area is way too big.
    I just need the language selection to be at the bottom of the header right sidebar.

    2: Secondly how do I get the actual logo I am using to remain in the same position more or less when the site is viewed on a mobile device? I don’t want it jumping around all over the place.

    I know that I have set a #hgroup-wrap { padding-left: 170px; } in the #site-logo part of my custom CSS. This will obviously affect the responsive view too but I need to keep the look the same in responsive, sure sizing changed to fit screen but not a huge white gap under the header section.

    I have attached my custom CSS to help you:
    .lang-item {
    display: inline;

    p { line-height: 1.425; margin-bottom: 1em; }

    #slider-nav { display: none; }

    #site-logo, hgroup.with-logo { padding-top: 0; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-top: 10px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-bottom: 10px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-left: 170px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-right: 10px; }

    #hgroup-wrap a:hover img,
    .featured-image a:hover img,
    .entry-content a:hover img,
    .comment-content a:hover img,
    .widget a:hover img,
    a:hover img.header-image,
    .author-avatar a:hover img,
    a:hover img.wp-post-image {
    opacity: 1;

    I have read extensive but need to know how to do this, thanks a lot Sakin, much appreciated.

    in reply to: Responsive not working #17694

    Actually with the menu, it hides the menu and puts it as a drop down when viewing from a mobile device. I don’t like this and want the menu style to stay the same, albeit re-sized for the screen size.

    I can send you a screenshot from a mobile so you know what I mean if you like. I am looking from a Samsung Galaxy S1, but S3 did the same, and if I remember correctly my friends iPhone too.

    How can I keep responsive view but just keep the menu the same, so not a drop down?

    in reply to: Responsive not working #17692

    okay thanks, I tweaked a few things and tested on different devices also. Looks fine now.

    in reply to: Responsive not working #17617

    To give you a little more info, below is all the CSS I have used. The first line of it, I just put in now to see if it helps for mobile devices, it didn’t make any difference.

    img { max-width: 100%; }

    p { line-height: 1.425; margin-bottom: 1em; }

    #slider-nav { display: none; }

    #site-logo, hgroup.with-logo { padding-top: 0; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-top: 10px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-bottom: 10px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-left: 170px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-right: 10px; }

    #hgroup-wrap a:hover img,
    .featured-image a:hover img,
    .entry-content a:hover img,
    .comment-content a:hover img,
    .widget a:hover img,
    a:hover img.header-image,
    .author-avatar a:hover img,
    a:hover img.wp-post-image {
    opacity: 1;}

    in reply to: Responsive not working #17616

    I have a similar problem.

    My site: is not working on mobile, but looks fine on desktop.
    I have read through the forums.

    I want the site to look the same on a mobile device, including the menu.
    Presently the menu is hidden. You can only see it in a drop-down.

    I have put custom CSS in and have some plugins installed. Tiny MCE advanced and JetPack. Although I only using MCE at the moment.


    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17577

    And just to help anyone who needs their site in two languages, it seems you need to install a widget.
    If you look at this site: and inspect the code on the widget, you can see it uses the ploy language widget.

    And this site: uses q trans.

    Just search for plugins and you can find them.

    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17576

    Its okay, I have figured it out. You just go to install theme is WordPress and upload the zipped file

    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17575

    I have it now, all good. But how do I install it?

    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17571

    I have just brought the pro version of Catch Everest. But you haven’t sent me any email so I can download it and install it. I have checked my junk box as well, nothing. Please send asap as I wish to start working on the site.

    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17356

    Actually, its just like what this person has done:

    The site is in two langages. That’s what I want to know how to do…


    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17355

    Actually I want to put the flags in myself as images, and I have already begun to have the wording in the site translated. Do you know how I would go about inserting the flags.

    And also what about the menu? As there will be a menu for Indonesian and a menu for English.


    in reply to: Mobile Drop Down menu in Arabic #17352

    I am about to purchase the pro version as I want to optimize my site for mobile devices.

    My site will be in Indonesian and English. Can you tell me how to get the flags into the site?

    Like the previous person has. I would like th flags to be above the menu.

    The URL where I am making the site before I transfer it is

    Please let me know how I can do this.Thanks.

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