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  • #133557

    I’ve been running youtube videos above my header for I don’t even know how long. Since before you changed the theme options header/footer code and incorporated the catch web tools plugin. I typically have a youtube video utilized via the embed iframe code, wrapped in a div for some custom CSS …but sometime very recently my videos dropped off the site completely. When I tried to add one, I would add the code to the plugin and save it, and when I reloaded, it was gone. So I took the div tags off, and used the iframe code directly, and the code got deleted and was replaced with a shortcode of some type. I’m assuming this is some new change to the theme, but I can’t seem to find it. (and I DON’T like it!) Can you tell me please where the change is that ruined my site? is the site.


    Also, a different issue, but if you know the answer, maybe you can kill 2 birds? My favicon / site icon will not display on the site, and it won’t change on the options page. (but when I’m on the dashboard, the favicon/site icon does display on the browser tab, just not on the live site) …I’ve had this issue for about 6-12 mos…I don’t even know how long. I’ve looked and looked, and I don’t know what the issue is.


    @donnasander : It looks like your site is working fine. I checked your site and it’s working fine on my end. I have posted the scree shots of the pages as they appear on my end. The favicon is working fine as well.

    Let me know if you have any more issues.


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