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  • #288312

    So this happens all the time with you themes, even though you say they are WPML-ready.
    Yes, I have a child theme.

    So litterally NOTHING on the front page showed up in WPML’s string translations. I had to ditch the Teams-feature and make the team as a regular page, to get it translated.

    But what I cannot fix in any other way than with a string translation is the page heading, “Mycket mer än bokföring”. This is not among the strings.
    And also the Logo-sliders heading “Våra samarbetspartners”, this is also not among the strings. I’ve already readied myself for this to never work, so have created an own, page based version of the logo-sliders, but cannot do this for the page heading.
    And had I used any of the other features found int the customizer, I am pretty sure these would not translate either.

    Sooo frustrating that your multi lingual themes never work with WPML out of the box, even though you state “These themes work with the WPML-plugin”.


    Oh and I forgot: why is the search-icon and scroll-icon represented by a box. I read your replies to other people using other themes, and it was always to “disable all other plugins”. Well I tried that and it did not work. If enough people have the same problem across themes, might be something with the themes themselves?


    @ville123: Hello there,
    I will need to look into your site to debug the issue. I have sent you an email. Please check your inbox as well as the spam folder.

    Regarding the icon issue can you please try deactivating the types plugin you are using and check if the icon issue is resolved. This maybe the font awesome version conflict between the theme and the plugin.
    Kind Regards,


    Any news? Site needs to go live, but cannot at the moment because of the translation issue.


    Ok so I got help from WPML. For any one else having the same problem, I hade to use the “Translate texts in admin screens »” at the bottom of the String translations page.

    Now Skandha, how about we fix the scroll and search icons?


    @ville123: Hello there,
    Glad you were able to figure out the WPML issue.

    Regarding the icon issue Can you try deactivating the Toolset Types and check if the icons show up?

    Kind Regards,


    That did the trick, thank you.


    One final thing:
    I added a blue gradient behind the menu, as the menu wasn’t visible on top of the image. But that means, depending on the screen size (1920×1080 is fine, nothing below that), that the heading on all subpages is centered to the header image, not to the area below the blue menu background. Anything I can do about that?


    @ville123: Hello there,
    Can you replace the CSS Code you added for the blue gradient with the following CSS Code.

    .blog .site-header-main {
    	background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(33,55,79,1) 0%, rgba(33,55,79,0.5) 50%, rgba(33,55,79,0.3) 100%);
    body:not(.blog) .custom-header::after {
    	background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(33,55,79,1) 0%, rgba(33,55,79,0.5) 50%, rgba(33,55,79,0.3) 100%);	

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,

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