Please check the instructions at https://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/parallax-frame-pro/ . Also, these are the section that you have active on your site.
1. Slider: You can edit that from “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider”.
2. Just below the slider, it’s called “Hero Content” and you can edit that from “Appearance => Customize => Hero Content”.
3. Header Highlight Content, you can edit that from “Appearance => Customize => Header Highlight Content”
4. Portfolio, you can edit that from “Appearance => Customize => Portfolio”
5. Featured Content, you can edit that from “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content”
6. Promotion Headline Options, you can edit that from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Promotion Headline Options”
7. Logo Slider, you can edit that from “Appearance => Customize => Logo Slider”