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  • #20775

    I saw Kathmandu had 5 stars while accessing themes through WordPress. So I’m all excited and starting working with it – only to discover, I must be, like, the first person to download it. (Don’t know how it got all those stars already.) So I don’t suppose there will be much in the forums should I get in a jam. I feel like a pioneering guinea pig.


    Ditto, same thing happened here. They must have just launched it today. So wondering if I can find the answer to my questions as well. I’ll post the question, hope it gets answered.

    If I order the Catch Kathmandu “PRO” would I be able to then change the font and colors in the CSS coding (in the CSS editing option?) As of right now, my WordPresss isn’t letting me change or have access to any of the CSS coding. I just developed a website last week, and hated this certain green color in it, and was able to go to CSS Editor and change that CSS color code out. But this new wordpress with the theme won’t let me. Does Pro let you?


    OK then adbalentine, here we go! By the way I read the Theme Directions, but it seems a little confusing as to whether you can alter the text colors in Custom CSS or not.
    This is what the directions say:
    >But if you want the option to customize individual colors of texts through >“Appearance => Theme Options => Color Options” in your WordPress Dashboard. Then >you need to upgrade to Catch Kathmandu Pro theme.

    However, can’t one change the font colors this way?:–>
    >Custom CSS
    >This is a very cool feature in Catch Themes. With the help of this Custom CSS box, >you can change the CSS without creating a Child Theme. You can add your custom CSS >that will overwrite the Theme CSS for further more design customization through >“Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” in your WordPress Dashboard.

    >How to change Font Family?
    >This option is only available in Catch Kathmandu Pro Theme

    Can’t you change the Font Family in Custom CSS as well?


    No I cannot change it at this point. When I go to the CSS editor, where I “usually” change color and font codes, this wordpress site and theme won’t let me. It won’t even allow me to see the coding. Usually there is like 80-90 pages worth of coding. But here all I see is about 12 lines of “Hey take tutorial, yada yada….”

    Rather frustrating… and I don’t want to purchase the PRO just to find out I STILL can’t recode. I hope someone will answer us back confirming if we can. 🙂


    I think this is a great theme. I build my site a Dorr Michigan Business directory, using this theme and have coded my own child them. I have not really ran into any issues regarding fonts or colors. There are plenty of plugins if you aren’t sure how to css it yourself.

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