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  • #283867

    I am blogger and freelancer first I am using genesis theme for my blog post Best Glass Blender and my customers sites. But these themes are bit heavy and issues in core web vitals so my blogger friends recommend catch themes to fix these issues. Is it true that Alchemist Pro fix this issue easily. need expert opinion



    Can you let me know what issues are you facing exactly?
    Our themes will help with core web vitals issues improvements but you will need to do a bit of work to increase page speeds.

    I took a quick look at your site via GT Metrix:

    Here are my findings:
    1. The initial issue looks to be your server as its response time is a bit slow.
    2. Have you got caching plugin enabled? Caching will help a lot in increasing your site speeds.

    To check if our theme will improve your site or not, why not try our free theme first?
    1. Take a backup of your site
    2. Install Alchemist Free Theme
    3. Check your site and run some tests.

    If you come up with stumbling blocks, do let me know and I can help you further.


    LCP and FCP is not improving according to google light speed house.


    That is mostly your server. Please upgrade your server.


    What hosting provider are you using?
    If it’s hostgator or anything similar to that – move to a different one!

    Ideally choose a provider located in the country that most of your site visitors come from – that will increase the chance of higher speeds BUT the main thing will be the quality of the hosting provider and the type of plan you are on. Make sure your host offers sufficient bandwidth and server space to suit your needs.

    The following is good advice from
    I’m not affiliated with them in any way.
    The article is on an Australia website but the principles are universal.

    Web hosting providers

    Here are eight rules to follow when selecting a web host for your site.

    1. Be sure they offer what you need

    Before making a decision, first ensure that the host you’re looking at covers all the technologies and services your site or application needs. Do they handle the right database and are they familiar with the content management system you’re using? For the best result, you need a web host with experience hosting the systems you use.

    2. Check the company website

    If the website is light on information, doesn’t have a large knowledge base for troubleshooting or doesn’t offer details about issue resolution and ticket systems, then skip it.

    3. Guarantees

    An experienced and professional host will guarantee a certain level of “uptime” (days without the site being unavailable). Generally you want to be looking for 99.99 per cent uptime guarantees (more if you’re hosting a mission-critical application).

    4. Easy-to-use backend

    Look for a comprehensive backend system that allows you to control your account. The control panels should allow restarting instances if you have a virtual host, automated billing, issue escalation, security and configuration.

    5. Do your research

    Websites like (or similar forums in other countries) have huge forums where people share comparison info on hosts and ISPs. This is a good way to find out whether the host has a good reputation or a history of regular outages.

    6. Keep backups

    A competent web host will make regular backups of your site, but it pays to have your own comprehensive and regularly updated backups should anything go wrong, or in case you need to switch hosts in a hurry.

    7. Own your domain

    Register your domain names through a reseller or domain company rather than having it done by the web host. This will ensure you have complete control over the domain registry, particularly in a case where you need to move hosts. Often when having your host register a domain they will register the details to the hosting company, leaving you stuck if you want to move quickly.

    8. Choose service and reputation, not cost

    Do your research, check the fine print and ultimately make your decision based on reliability, reputation and services. Cheap web hosts are everywhere, but spending a little more money can mean the difference between a consistently available website and weeks of downtime.

    Your website is central to your business so it should run seamlessly to allow you to focus on what you do best. Follow these guidelines when selecting a host and your customers will thank you for it.


    how much posts you daily publish



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