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  • #10760

    While trying to get my W3C validation i had this error:

    Error Line 100, Column 11: The hgroup element is obsolete. To mark up subheadings, consider either just putting the subheading into a p element after the h1-h6 element containing the main heading, or else putting the subheading directly within the h1-h6 element containing the main heading, but separated from the main heading by punctuation and/or within, for example, a span class=”subheading” element with differentiated styling. To group headings and subheadings, alternative titles, or taglines, consider using the header or div elements. <hgroup>

    And i have other items:
    rel=”generator” or rel=”designer” or <meta name=”language” don’t exist.

    Bad value generator for attribute rel on element a: The string generator is not a registered keyword or absolute URL.
    A whitespace-separated list of link types, with no duplicate keywords in the list. Each link type must be listed as allowed on <_a> and <area> in the HTML specification, or must be listed as allowed on <_a> and <area> on the Microformats wiki, or must be an absolute URL. You can register link types on the Microformats wiki yourself.

    I’m pretty sure this is the Catch Box theme causing it.

    Hope you will correct it soon.
    Thanks for your work.


    @PAM: You don’t have to worry much about this as HTML5 is still in experimental phase and haven’t been finalized. So, just wait for the final. We will change it as per the requirement.


    Thanks for the answer.
    But it created another question.
    Since all those create some 10 errors in W3C validation for my site, i’m pretty scared.
    Isn’t this downgrading my SEO?

    Have a good day.


    @PAM: I guarantee that it will not effect your SEO. You can check in the themes. All themes have same issues and we are discussing about that.

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