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  • #42196


    I installed BlackStudio Tiny Mice plugin and it doesnt show up in widget area. Also, I am unable to create a hyperlink using the text editor installed with the them.

    I installed custom sidebars plugin and when i open Widgets it makes the entire Widget area impossible to use. Is there a way to have different sidebars on each page? Custom sidebars allows you to do that.

    Last, I just paid $49 for another year of support but when I want to submit a ticket, I have to buy support to submit a ticket.


    @egnalc: It looks like there is conflict with your plugin. Can you disable and check in.

    Have you tried Widget Visibility module in Jetpack plugin. From this you can change the option of widget to show in particular page or all pages.

    Sorry I cannot view your purchase of Support Membership So, for this can you contact to our sales directly with your order ID. So, they will look into it.


    Ok still no luck with creating hyperlinks using the text editor, Jetpack totally messes up editor.

    Also what is the recommended size for the header logo?

    Featured slider images are 1140 x 450 correct


    @egnalc: Jetpack will not mess up the editor. I think you have another plugin which is conflicting. So, try disabling other plugins.

    There is no such recommended site for your header logo. You can simply go to “Appearance = Theme Options => Header Options” and upload logo in Header logo URL or just paste your logo image URL there.

    For Catch Mustang theme, we recommend Width 978px and height 275px for featured post slider, page slider and category slider. But for Featured Image Slider, we recommend width to be 978px but height as per your need.


    I updated to new version of wordpress and all the bugs seem to be fixed

    I was asking about the header logo area, wha is the size? Is there a way to make it have less height, the width is fine


    @egnalc: Sorry I don’t get it your bugs. Why do you need BlackStudio Tiny Mice plugin to add hyperlink in text widget. You can just add hyperlink code in text widgets. Maybe this plugin is conflicting. So try disabling it and then you can add HTML link code in your text widgets:
    Here is the format
    <a href="url">Link text</a>
    For Example to create catch themes link. the code will be
    <a href="" title="Catch Themes">Catch Theme</a>

    For more about hyperlink, you can see this tutorial

    About the header logo, it’s flexible. You can add any height as per your need and for width it’s maximum in 978px. If you see our demo page We have used the logo size of 286px width and 79px height.

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