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    Hi there, I saw that you have a new catch everest pro version and I would like to update mine on wordpress. Whereas I understand the instructions, I am afraid that I will loose all my current settings while updating to the new catch everest version. Is that so? Will I loose all my current settings? When I updated from the free to the pro version it took me hours to rebuilt my site. If this is the case again now, please tell me how I can avoid this. Do I need to build a child theme? If so, how can I do that? I am not a developer and I am very afraid now to loose everything again… thanks again for your kind help!



    @jennyebermann: If you haven’t edited any core theme files like sytle.css, index.php, header.php, footer.php, functions.php and so on then you don’t have to worry about updates. You will not loose any of your settings and content. That is why we recommend our user to customize the theme with the help of theme options, widget and so on. And if you want to do advance customization then you cn build child then and add or edit core theme files.


    Hi Sakin, thanks a lot for your kind help! I will try the update tomorrow then, fingers crossed! Jenny


    @jennyebermann: We can help you in upgrading process. If you need then let me know it. I will email you directly.

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