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  • #115505


    Catch Box looks great! The layout is very pleasing and it’s really easy to work with. Nice tidy code too.

    However, I’ve run into 2 annoying things that I can’t find a resolution for. See

    1) I’ve set up the homepage to show blog excerpts. Under the excerpt, before links about tags, author and category, there’s a big space. How do I get rid of this?

    2) When I use a caption on an image, there’s an annoying little line that appears in the caption under some of the text.

    Help on this greatly appreciated!



    1. The space there is from one of your plugins. Try deactivating the plugins and check if that resolves the issue.
    2. Does the issue persist on parent theme as well. If not, its not a theme issue. Please check and let me know.


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