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  • #120000


    I am using Parallax Frame for my website
    What I actually intend to achieve is using the featured image slider on my ‘home page ONLY’

    But I came to find out we can do so by enabling it for all pages(Feature slider->enable slider on -> Entire Page) and then disabling it for the individual pages(Am I right??)

    I did this but the image slider still shows up on all the pages (I am able to see the original content of the page for less than a second)

    My current other page options are:-
    Layout Options: default
    Header Image option:Disabled
    Single Page/Post image layout: Default

    The content of the image sliders are on 2 pages 1 and 2 which are now child of home page called home
    When I select Customize image slider..I can see ‘Featured Page slider’ as an option on ‘Select slider type’ only when The slider is enabled for ‘entire site’..it disappears when Homepage/Frontpage is selected..

    Can you let me know what am I doing wrong??
    Page :http://shinujohn.me/


    I was able to figure it out..toying with every possible setting
    But I am unable to remove page headers from showing up on front of the image

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