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  • #50961


    How can I make the text boxes, widget and slider transparent

    For background transparency I used a CSS you posted that goes like this:
    #page { background-color: transparent; }
    #main { background: url(“//”) repeat scroll left top transparent; }

    it is working but if you can show me how to do it for the website I am working on, I’d really appreciate it.
    Please reply @luismarioochoa

    Thanks you Sakin


    @luismarioochoa: The URL that you have posted in is not the Catch Box Pro theme. Sorry you are in wrong forum. We only support theme developed by us.


    Sorry, I meant

    I am trying now to get rid of the border black border on the header image left and right sides.

    The link I sent you is another one that I will be moving into Catch Themes soon. Hope to hear from you soon, for some reason I sent you a few other questions and I never heard back from you. Thank you for acknowledging



    @luismarioochoa: In Catch Box Pro theme, you can just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Options” and make “Header Top Margin, Header Right Margin, Header Bottom Margin and Header Left Margin” value to 0 and save changes. This will remove the black spaces.

    After you do that I see there is one custom css being absolute. So, you can find the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box and remove it.
    #header-content { padding-bottom: 0; }

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