@ram108: In the site you have liked. It’s done with custom child theme.
If you want to do something similar to this then you can add in the thumbnail size 150x150px in “Settings -> Media”.
Then you can choose the Content Layout in Theme Options as “Show Full Content”
Then in your posts, add the image with thumbnail and align left then break the content with more tag.
It should look something like this in your post editor.
<img src="Image URL" alt="" title="Image Title" width="150" height="150" class="alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-782" /> Gummies fruitcake liquorice dragée. Chupa chups macaroon dessert candy cheesecake tart cheesecake candy. Jujubes chupa chups toffee halvah gingerbread sugar plum bonbon macaroon. Tootsie roll apple pie tiramisu bear claw jelly-o danish faworki tart fruitcake. Brownie jujubes dragée. Faworki muffin bonbon. Chocolate apple pie halvah.
Croissant sweet roll chocolate cake. Cheesecake gingerbread tiramisu. Danish fruitcake apple pie candy canes donut chupa chups jelly beans chocolate topping. Fruitcake marshmallow lemon drops icing applicake chocolate croissant bonbon. Cake lemon drops sesame snaps oat cake fruitcake sugar plum dragée jelly. Liquorice marzipan sesame snaps jelly chupa chups toffee sweet roll ice cream apple pie.