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  • #86292

    I’m using the Catch Box theme and it is the first theme I’ve had this problem with. Every time I try to create a 3 column table, the third column is about 10% of the total table width, making it squished up against the right side of the page. I’ve tried every html code I can think of and Google could suggest, but none would override what I am assuming is the CSS template dictating the column widths. I do not have pro to edit the CSS. Is there any way to modify the widths of the columns so that the third column is balanced with the others?

    (and yes, I’m using a table for data, not for formatting the layout of the page)

    Thank You,


    Hi @chicadita,

    Please post in your site url.



    I was just able to add Jetpack’s CSS Stylesheet Editor. I’m hopeful this will help.


    I found something through trial and error that finally balanced the columns!

    table, th, td {
    table-layout: fixed;

    Now what would be ideal would be to make the first column more narrow than the other two.


    Hi @chicadita,

    Glad to know you were able to fix you issue.
    Catch Box free version does have Custom CSS option. You can find it in “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS”.
    For making first column more narrow than the other two, add the following CSS:

    .entry-content table tr td {
          width: 40%;
    .entry-content table tr td:nth-child(1) {
          width: 20%;

    Note: Adjust the width as you desire.




    The social links icons’ color is dull gray. How can I change it to their natural color?



    The post boxes are just too big, please help me adjust the size of the post boxes in home page.

    Thank you!



    Please help me place an ad below the header image pleae…

    Thank you!


    And by the the social links are in the catch box theme and they are just gray.


    Hi venus,

    We will try to solve your problem one by one. In future, it will be better if you open a new topic for your problems.

    The social links icons’ color is dull gray. How can I change it to their natural color?

    Try following code in Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box:

    .social-profile ul li.facebook a {
    	background-position: 0 -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.twitter a {
    	background-position: -44px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.rss a {
    	background-position: -88px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.you-tube a {
    	background-position: -132px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.linkedin a {
    	background-position: -176px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.tumblr a {
    	background-position: -220px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.viemo a {
    	background-position: -264px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.slideshare a {
    	background-position: -264px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.dribbble a {
    	background-position: -308px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.my-space a {
    	background-position: -352px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.aim a {
    	background-position: -396px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.myspace a {
    	background-position: -352px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.flickr a {
    	background-position: -440px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.pinterest a {
    	background-position: -484px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.google-plus a {
    	background-position: -528px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.wordpress a {
    	background-position: -572px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.deviantart a {
    	background-position: -616px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.slideshare a {
    	background-position: -660px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.instagram a {
    	background-position: -704px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.skype a {
    	background-position: -748px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.soundcloud a {
    	background-position: -792px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.email a {
    	background-position: -837px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.xing a {
    	background-position: -882px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.specificfeeds a {
    	background-position: -927px -44px;
    .social-profile ul li.meetup a {
    	background-position: -971px -44px;

    The post boxes are just too big, please help me adjust the size of the post boxes in home page.
    * The post boxes adjust to the content. You can reduce the content to reduce box size. To reduce excerpt length, view instructions here: https://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-box-pro/#excerpt-option

    Please help me place an ad below the header image pleae…

    * For this, you will need some CSS and PHP knowledge. If you are comfortable with this, I can help you further. If not, you need to hire a customzier.
    You will need to create a child theme first. The instructions for child theme are here: http://catchthemes.com/blog/create-child-theme-wordpress/. After you have created a child theme, you need to provide me with the ad image, link and your site url, then I will be able to help you. Please upload the image in your own server and provide me its link.

    And by the the social links are in the catch box theme and they are just gray.

    I hope my first answer will provide solution for this as well.


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