@cvmw: Hello MW,
First of all you will need to create a child theme.
You can use our plugin Generate Child Theme to create child theme.
Install and Activate the plugin
Go to => Dashboard => Generate Child Theme => Select Parent Theme as Catch Sketch and fill in remaining fields and Click on Generate.
This will create and activate the child theme.
Copy the file post-types-testimonial.php from parent-theme-folder => template-parts => testimonial => post-types-testimonial.php to your child theme.
The path to the file post-types-testimonial.php should be the same in both your parent and child theme.
So the path to the file post-types-testimonial.php in your child theme would be
Child Theme Folder => => template-parts => testimonial => post-types-testimonial.php.
Now, edit the post-types-testimonial.php
Search for the text data-cycle-timeout=”4000″. Here 4000=4secs so change its value according to your requirement.
Note: The customizer settings from your parent theme wont migrate to the child theme. You can use our plugin Catch Import Export plugin to import your customizer settings from the parent theme to the child theme.
Let me know if you have any confusion
Kind Regards,