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  • #56387

    Hi there!

    Well, I updated WordPress today (to Version 4.1.2), and imediately after it was done, my slider became a single image, it shows no navigation dots under it and it is not rotating the featured posts I selected.

    I double-checked the IDs and configuration (it is set to 4 slides), I have even disabled and re-enabled the entire slider, no luck. Any ideas on what could be wrong? Some problem at my end or could it be some incompatibility issue with the new wp version?

    Thank you everyone 🙂


    Oops, forgot the link.

    Here it is:


    @GiovannaChine: This is not WordPress issue but it’s an issue with plugin incompatible. Looks like there is conflict with Cyclone Slider. So, try disabling that and other plugin one by one to find the conflicting plugin.


    Thank you again, Sakin! You’re great as always. I did instal a new plugin, silly of me not to think of that! I’ll follow your recommendation right away.


    @GiovannaChine: thanks for your appreciation.

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