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  • #330826

    Hello, I’ve been trying this free version of Fotografie Blocks and so far so good – except I went to chage my site logo and there’s no option to upload/use a different image. I removed the image from my gallery hoping that would reset it, but now it just displays a blank block in it’s place and I still cannot find where to set a new image. I tried the drop-down options where the block is used and I can change to Site Title or otherwise, but cannot replace it there either like any other normal image.

    I went under Styles – Blocks – Site Logo and it shows the blank block there with display options but I cannot for the life of me set a new image.

    How do I reset this? Its very frustrating right now…

    I would link to my page but still setting it up in maintenance mode. Can’t see where I can upload a screen shot here either.



    @jesse : Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Site Editor. In the site editor click above the site title block you will get the option to upload the site logo as shown in the image below. Click on the upload icon and add the desired image and save your changes. Let me know if you are still having issues changing the logo image.


    This is the problem – when I had an image there, I had no option to upload / replace it.

    I decided to go direct to media gallery and remove the image, thinking that once removed, it would have no reference and allow me to upload one. The block now shows it as just a blank white block with no option to upload/replace it still.

    I tried the WordPress Twenty Twenty Four theme hoping to get it fixed and revert back but it’s doing the same, so may actually be a WP core issue.


    Another interesting thing – decided to install Twenty Twenty theme as it definitely uses the old style of theme editor.

    I can update the logo in there – but when it gets tot he “crop” option it displays the old image, and if I “skip cropping” it actually uses the old image, even though I removed it from my media gallery. If I “crop” it and just select the whole image, then it uses the new one.

    It is using the new one when I go back to a modern theme (Fotografie Blocks), but there’s still no option to update/replace it in Styles -> Blocks -> Site Logo so it seems like I would need to use that other option if I needed to update it in the future (hopefully not).

    I’m not sure if this helps with troubleshooting why it happened in the first place, or if there’s any way I can “reset” that option so it’s fixed going forward?

    Thanks again,


    @jesse : I will contact you shortly.




    Oooof sorry for another message. I also noticed a byproduct of this is being unable to update the Site Icon with this new image now as well, the option is not there under Site Logo as it once was. I had to go back to the old theme and update it under Site Identity as well (missed it the previous time as it hadn’t come to mind).


    @jesse : I will check for issues on your site and let you know soon.


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