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  • #105108

    I’m using Catch Everest Pro since a couple of days, but only today, checking one website, I noticed that this theme add many other header tags, tags that I have never chosen.

    Before to install the theme (or also when I disinsable it and install another one), I have:
    n.1 H1
    n.2 H2
    n.4 H3

    After install Catch Everest Pro, without change anything on the homepage text, I have:
    n.2 H1 (the new H1 is the H2 of before that now become H1)
    n.4 H2 (the 2 new h2 are: “Primary Menu” and “Footer Menu”
    n.4 H3 (here nothing change)

    Please solve this trouble. This is my first premium theme I buy, before I only used free themes, I was thinking that buying a premium theme I would have had more power on the theme, but I’m realizing that in 3 days using a Catch Theme this is the third time I have to write to the support for to solve relatively easy troubles.

    Pretty disappointed, sorry.



    @pietromessa: Can you please clarify more, I don’t quite understand what trouble are you actually having. Let me know further so that I can help you. In premium themes, you do have more features, such as footer editor, color options, custom slider etc. Sorry for the trouble.



    Hi Mahesh,
    the problem is clearly described in the top of my previous message.

    I try again.

    This the website http://www.sr22insurancealaska.org/

    BEFORE to install Catch Everest Pro, my website had these heading tags:

    H1: SR22 Insurance Alaska

    H2: SR22 Insurance Alaska
    H2: What you need to know About SR22 Insurance Alaska

    H3: So, what exactly is SR22 Insurance?
    H3: How many types of SR22 forms are available in Alaska?
    H3: Non Owner SR22 Insurance
    H3: DUI (or DWI) in Alaska

    AFTER to install Catch Everest Pro, these are the heading tags:

    H1: SR22 Insurance Alaska
    H1: SR22 Insurance Alaska

    H2: SR22 Insurance Alaska, SR22 Alaska
    H2: Primary Menu
    H2: What you need to know About SR22 Insurance Alaska
    H2: Footer Menu

    H3: So, what exactly is SR22 Insurance?
    H3: How many types of SR22 forms are available in Alaska?
    H3: Non Owner SR22 Insurance
    H3: DUI (or DWI) in Alaska

    As you can see, most of the tags (this tags are VERY important for SEO) are now changed.
    Can you explain WHY our theme decide to change what me (and only ME) have the right to decide about which tags to chose for a website?

    And, most important: Is there a way to delete that messy tags and reinstall the right ones?




    @pietromessa: In HTML5, you can have more then one H1 tag. That was issue only when you use HTML4 tags. In HTML5, H1 tag per article tag is good for SEO and we have carefully designed H1 tags with special attention on header tag and headings
    Catch Everest theme is build in HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive design. So, H1 is better for SEO then H2.
    You can also check this Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIn5qJKU8VM by Google software engineer Matt Cutts, who clearly states that you can use multiple H1 but don’t over do it. Also use h1 specific to heading and header tags.
    You can also check this article URL http://html5doctor.com/html5-seo-search-engine-optimisation/
    But if you really want to change it, you can change it by building child theme and editing it.

    Primary and Secondary menu are the assistive-text. If you want to edit any of the Tags, you can create a child theme and customize it further as desired.



    sorry but I don’t agree.

    I want only 1 H1, I decided it for my website, I don’t acept another people decide what is the best SEO for my website and my content. Anyway now I have 2 H1, but they are identical, your theme has duplicated my H1 with no reason.

    “H1 is better for SEO then H2…” what does it mean?? I want to use H1 and also H2 and also H3, everyone is a different tag, I perfectly know the importance of each one, but this is not the topic we are talking now.

    And sorry, I don’t agree about install a child theme, I bought a premium theme that supposedly give me the power to modify most of the basic options, like the tags.

    If there is not other solution, I will ask a refund.
    Lots of time lost for this “simple” problem…

    Pietro M.


    @pietromessa: Thanks for detail support message. We checking in your site and did good analysis and have updated the theme as per the new requirement. Can you update your site to latest version Catch Everest Pro Version 3.9. It’s all fixed.

    For updating, please check out screencast at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W95SuabDZi8 and theme instructions at https://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-everest-pro/#updating


    I will test it, thanks

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