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  • #317270

    We have our homepage set to display “latest posts.”  This has created a single column that scrolls top to bottom (see the example here).  We’d like to have two rows (left to right scrolling) as depicted in the theme demo.  One would be latest posts and the other, links to a second category (Podcasts).  How can we accomplish this.


    @greenhornet: I am not sure what you mean, do you have a design or layout screenshot? So, that I can check that.


    Sure – Here is an example of a column (the way the them is currently behaving on our website).


    Here is an example of a row (what we want and what the images in your them advertise.


    @greenhornet: That section you have mentioned is called the “Services” section. You can go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Services” and in “Type”, you can select “Categories” and the either select “All Categories” or only selected category as per your need.

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