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  • #13038

    The responsive is not appearing to work on iphone/ipad for the site when using the “premium” theme but does work for the free theme… weird.

    Site: http://www.test.webintegrations.com.au/PrimeAcct/

    I have checked that responsive is not disabled & even tried switching it off & back on without any change.
    If I activate the free theme then it looks fine on phones.

    Only thing changed between the two themes is that I added a text block to the header right widget (which is why I bought the theme) which has the following contents
    1300 551 926<br />
    [email protected]

    Any reason why the pro theme is not working??



    Figured it out… there was a plugin (WP CSS3 Button Creator) which required some custom CSS & this broke the theme, but only for the premium…. weird.
    Any reason this would occur?


    @wanos: Yes when I check in your site in iPhone it’s ok. Sorry we don’t support plugins. When you add custom css you need to add only for that specific button and also add custom css for responsive width.


    I have a similar problem.

    My site: sweetandsalty.biz is not working on mobile, but looks fine on desktop.
    I have read through the forums.

    I want the site to look the same on a mobile device, including the menu.
    Presently the menu is hidden. You can only see it in a drop-down.

    I have put custom CSS in and have some plugins installed. Tiny MCE advanced and JetPack. Although I only using MCE at the moment.



    To give you a little more info, below is all the CSS I have used. The first line of it, I just put in now to see if it helps for mobile devices, it didn’t make any difference.

    img { max-width: 100%; }

    p { line-height: 1.425; margin-bottom: 1em; }

    #slider-nav { display: none; }

    #site-logo, hgroup.with-logo { padding-top: 0; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-top: 10px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-bottom: 10px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-left: 170px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-right: 10px; }

    #hgroup-wrap a:hover img,
    .featured-image a:hover img,
    .entry-content a:hover img,
    .comment-content a:hover img,
    .widget a:hover img,
    a:hover img.header-image,
    .author-avatar a:hover img,
    a:hover img.wp-post-image {
    opacity: 1;}


    @blackkeys: You site is looking fine in my mobile devices. It’s a responsive view and the design changes as per the screen size. But if you want to make it same like in the desktop view then you need to disable the responsive view from “Appearance => Theme Options => Responsive Design”.


    okay thanks, I tweaked a few things and tested on different devices also. Looks fine now.


    Actually with the menu, it hides the menu and puts it as a drop down when viewing from a mobile device. I don’t like this and want the menu style to stay the same, albeit re-sized for the screen size.

    I can send you a screenshot from a mobile so you know what I mean if you like. I am looking from a Samsung Galaxy S1, but S3 did the same, and if I remember correctly my friends iPhone too.

    How can I keep responsive view but just keep the menu the same, so not a drop down?


    @blackkeys: For this you need to customize a site a lot. So, better hire a customizer.

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