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  • #102431

    Take a look at http://www.rainierchorale.org/. For the post sliders there is text over the images. For example the Windows Holiday post has text and a button on top of the image. How do I get rid of that text and the button?

    Please assume that I know very little on working with WordPress and the theme. I have just taken on the task of maintaining the site.

    I don’t know if I’ve found the answer. Right now I have the Select Slider Type set to Featured Page Slider. If I change it to Featured Image Slider, and set the image to the current pages image and the link to the current page image and the title blank, would that get rid of the annoying text? As I don’t have a test site, I don’t want to mess things up by making guess changes.


    Hi @rainierchoralebrian,

    It should work. You can try it in customizer preview first and then only implement if it fulfills your need.


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