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  • #55095

    Hi again,

    Sorry for so many questions, I’m new at this!

    1.) how can I remove the categories, tags, and author from my posts? I just want the date listed.

    2.) I found this amazing site called perfections.com and have created the icons I really like, I can’t figure out how to put them on my site! perfecticons.com provides the HTML and CSS I believe, but I don’t know how to place them at the end of each post and another (different!) set of custom icons at the top right header section, any ideas?



    1. I see that you have already removed it.
    2. For this, you need to hire developer and add in. This is beyond our theme scope. Let your developer know this. First you need to build child theme and then add this in content.php file and style.css file on your child theme.

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