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  • #265838

    Hi! We’re new to Photofocus and hope we can use it to efficiently replace our current, Whizzy theme. We have the free Photofocus theme installed and already it’s loading much faster than our current theme. Right now, I would like to center the “site identity” information (the site title and navigation menu on desktop systems). Is this something I’ll need to center via custom CSS? Will the Photofocus Pro theme provide a mechanism to center/position the site identity information without using custom CSS?

    One thing we’re leery about is installing a *ton* of plugins to accomplish any given thing. So, we hope we can keep third party plugins at a minimum.

    One last thing, our site is currently down (maintenance mode) while we customize the theme, so I can’t really post links to anything. Right now, the “site identity” information is left justified.

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi @tomdkat,

    I will need to see how the site is setup. I think it can be done via custom css but I need to look at the site to be sure. Let me know when it is sharable.


    Hi @Pratik, thanks for the reply. I managed to work out the custom CSS to center the content I needed:

    .site-branding { margin-left: auto; text-align: center ! important; }
    .site-header-main .wrapper { justify-content: center; }

    Anyway, do you know if the Pro version of the theme provides more options for controlling these kinds of settings or will I need to write a ton of custom CSS?



    @tomdkat: Hello there,
    There are lots of additional-features available in the pro version of the theme and if you come across any issue you can always post in the support forum so that we can help you out.

    Kind Regards,


    @Skandha Thanks for the info!

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