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  • #47824

    Hi Sakin!

    On I`m using small tables for the webshop-logos (Amazon, Titus, etc..)

    I don’t know why, but the amazon logo seems to be a bit higher than the other ones. The pictures have all 120x40px. Any idea?

    2. problem: with Chrome the table is 100% of the content area. But if I use Firefox or IE the table wider than the content area.

    And: Why do I have borders around my images? Im using#content .gallery .gallery-icon img,
    img.attachment-thumbnail {
    border: none;
    }but it doesnt remove the borders. Just at the thumbnails.. :-/

    Thanks in advance!

    Kind regards



    1. You are using Catch Box Pro theme, which is build in responsive design. So, when you use the table you need to use responsive table. Better I suggest you to use Responsive Column. You can use install responsive column plugin and add the image on it. Then you will not have image issue.

    2. You table is larger in 100%. As you have used 4 td elements each 25%, but you forgot the padding that each td is taking 10px each at the right and further it has border on it.

    3. Ok you can remove the border and padding in your image by adding in the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    img[class*="align"], img[class*="wp-image-"], #content .gallery .gallery-icon img, img.wp-post-image, img.attachment-thumbnail {
        border: none;
        padding: 0;

    Thank you very much!

    Everything works fine!

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