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  • #99952


    We are using the Full Frame theme and would like to know FAQ plugin is accepted by this topic? We’ve tried to install some available by the WP , but the subject is not accepting them.

    Already tested with the theme the following plugins:

    * Faq: Por wpshopmart
    * CB FAQ Responsive Accordion
    * Faq: Por Etoile Web Design
    * FAQ WD: Por WebDorado
    * WP Easy FAQs: Por WEN Solutions

    All they generated an incompatibility with the theme. It does not show any error to install and activate. However, when checking the site, are the links appearing and unconfigures page.

    Thanks for listening!



    @valeska-conducere: We haven’t tested the plugins with the theme yet. You can use any plugin you like to use for FAQ. Have you tried the plugin with WordPress core themes? Try it and see if the issue persists or not. Just after you asked, I did tested a plugin HTML5 Responsive FAQ, and it seems to work fine. Please try it, or any other plugin you want.



    Hello Mahesh!

    Thank you for your feedback!
    There was tested this plugin, because it tells you that is not compatible with the version of WP that we are using.
    Anyway, I followed your suggestion and installed. With this, it did not generate the mistakes that others generated.

    I appreciate the attention and have a great day!



    @valeska-conducere: Glad to know its working for your. Thank you for your appreciation. Have a nice day!

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