For the pages with the galleries, I set the template to No Sidebar: Full Width in the page settings. I add the HTML widget to the footer. Now the title “Contact” and the footer opposite have been moved. The logo is also getting bigger. Actually, I want it to be like on the main page, where the page setting for template is set to standard. Can I get that right?
Here is the HTML code:
<div class=”wp-block-media-text alignwide” style=”grid-template-columns: 15% auto;”>
<figure class=”wp-block-media-text__media”>
<div class=”wp-block-media-text__content”>Heinz Vonäsch Fotografie • Stapfenstrasse 53b • 3098 Köniz • Mail</div>
Here’s the difference. Just like on the main page, the footer should be.
Many thanks for the help.
Best regards