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  • #48831
    Glen Pavelich

    I noticed this code is in most pages, but it doesn’t seem to matter (on the front end) if it is there or not.

    <div class=”entry-content”><section id=”builder-section-1417714923057″ class=”builder-section builder-section-first builder-section-text builder-section-last builder-text-columns-3″>
    <div class=”builder-section-content”>
    <div id=”builder-section-1417714923057-column-1″ class=”builder-text-column builder-text-column-1″>

    I tend to keep this line,
    <div class=”builder-text-content”>
    but not sure if it needs to be there once, or for each column?
    I am adding columnLeft and columnRight classes to the page, and to the custom css, and this code makes it confusing to read – ie where to insert my code.

    I have my page layout defaulted to full page, no side panel.


    @Glen: Sorry I don’t get it what you mean. We don’t have any builder section content. What are you trying to do it. Can you explain in reference with your site URL.

    Glen Pavelich

    It’s ok. I figured out it was getting copied in somehow from my old content. Thanks


    @Glen: thanks for the update 🙂

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