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  • #301535
    Lionel Lowry

    I’ve been through the support site and every bit of the control panel and can not find any way to edit the “Wedding Details” page or the Accommodations links attached to the pink icons on that page. (Wedding, Party, Hotels, Airport, Restaurant, Shopping).

    Please advise.



    @tampalionel: Hello there,

    Can you please post in your site URL so that I can look into the issue?

    Kind Regards,

    Lionel Lowry


    The “Wedding Details” are not ours – they are defaults that I can’t change.

    The six pink icons link to default links on the “Accommodations” area.  We need to change those too.

    Thanks for your help.

    • Is there a newer wedding template that you offer that might work better?  I do not want to pay for another one but might consider changing.
    Lionel Lowry

    How often does someone respond to these posts?

    Lionel Lowry

    I figured out how to change the links on the Accommodations are

    Now I only need to figure out how to access the “Wedding Details” area.

    Please advise


    @tampalionel: Hello there,

    We try to reply to your posts within a day at the most.

    To edit the Wedding Details

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Events => Enable the Section => Select Type as Custom and then fill in the fields and Publish.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,

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