Since buying the premium version 5 days ago, I made a new post and it does not appear on the site. I made sure to make it public and I’ve clicked “Clear HB Post Cache” in the post and it didn’t fix it. I’ve cleared the cache in my browser and I’ve tried 3 other browsers after I cleared the cache in them, yet the post does not appear in the 4 browsers on my desktop and the 2 browsers on my cell phone.
I have this post also designated as one of my 3 featured posts on my Home page and it does not appear on the Home page either.
My site is:
I can only see the post (titled: Working with an Alien) on my blog page when I am logged into WP. Here is a screen grab my blog page when I’m logged in:

When I’m not logged into WP, you cannot see that post. Here is a screen grab of my blog page when I’m logged out:

How can I get a new post to appear?