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  • #239210
    [email protected]

    Is there a way to edit the header in Decree Pro? It is the only item not shown in any current posts. I am not satisfied with the position of the title/subhead and logo and in addition, there does not seem to be a way to edit the built=in “free consultation” button and connect a form to that. VERY FRUSTRATING. I upgraded to Pro for these options and cannot even find a template for the header anyqhere.


    @christine-meeker-langeidea-dna-com: Hello there,
    Can you please post in your site URL so that I can look into the issue?

    Kind Regards,

    [email protected]

    I cannot provide the URL because the site is in development and is not yet public.

    Can I send you an image?

    I want to be able to resize and reposition the logo, headline and subheadline.


    @christine-meeker-langeidea-dna-com: Hello there,
    Yes, can you attach a screenshot image and let me know where you would like to reposition the logo, headline and sub headline?

    Kind Regards,

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