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  • #52579

    Hello, i was trying to make some changes to some php files, then something went wrong and now the entire site went down, i cant even login to wp-admin, i tried reverting the changes from my cPanel file manager but apparently im missing something because it just wont work, the files in the Adventurous Pro 3.0 seem a little bit different from the old ones my site was using so using those files could make it worse… if that is possible, i urgently need the adventurous pro 1.2 files, i was working in the adventurous-custom-header.php file, hope you guys can help me soon because the site is down and it is very important for this company to work, thanks!

    The site is:


    Ok, finally found the missing ‘ ,now the site is up, i have modified the theme files for the last 6 months, its too late for me to create a child theme and update the theme, i will have to live with what i have now.
    So the problem i was trying to solve was that i modified the css for ‘#site-logo img’ and now the href wrapping the image seems off (look at it in the header )
    Apparently it is offset from the actual image because of the img paddings and when it works, it only works on the visible parts of the png or something, i dont really understand the erratic behaviour my header logo link is having, maybe you could help me find a solution, this is what i have already tried:

    Making the css changes on the #site-logo div instead of the #site-logo img.
    This didint work, for some reason the img wrapped in the href will ignore the max-height: 100% width:auto and will overflow the parent.

    Applying the same modifications to the #site-logo img and #site-logo a
    Apparently this should work, the a href box and the img seem to be aligned in the chrome inspector, but again the link will only work if you click on the visible parts of the png or some other kind of impredictable way.

    Adding a image map to the href.
    The map never showed up, didn’t tried this too much.

    Adding a onclick event to the #site-logo div.
    Wordpress wont allow this tag unless i install a plugin which im trying to avoid.

    Convincing the client that home links on header images are overrated.
    The client acts irrationally and wont negotiate this aspect of the website.

    Moving the a href outside the #site-logo div as a wrapper.
    It broke the site and i ended up in here asking for mercy.

    And thats it, hope i can finally make this work with your help, thanks!


    @JUAN ARTURO: I am bit confused.
    You main problem is the css with the following css where you have added in position absolute and you have started it from left 0. So, it’s conflicting with your logo.
    #hgroup.logo-enable.logo-left {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 35px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    overflow: hidden;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease;
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease;
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease;
    -ms-transition: all 0.5s ease;
    transition: all 0.5s ease;

    Maybe you can try adding in the following css:
    #site-logo {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 20;

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