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  • #276881


    I am using the predefined content types (portfolio, services, testimonial etc.) and the last section is the static frontpage. When scrolling down with the mouse, the page does however not go down all the way to the static page (section #5), it only goes dowsn to section#4. Only by using the menu I can get down to section#5. Scrolling up works fine.

    Can somebody advise me how to fix this? the website is accessible via


    @webgo82: Hello there,
    At my end it seems to be scrolling fine. Can you try checking your site on other systems as well?

    Kind Regards,


    Hi, it seems that the issue of scrolling down to the static page has magically disappered. However I am still having issues of scrolling within the static page. Once I get to the beginning of the static page, an additional scroll, takes me far too much down so that content on the static page is missed. Any idea what to do about that?


    Hi, I’ve tried with several machienes incl.on laptops and smartphones and the problem that I thaugt is fixed still exists. It seems that scrolling down from section 4 to 5, is only working sometimes, and the problem seems to be browser specific. With Firefox there are problems, with edge it works better.

    And asaforementioned, the once I get to section 5, scolling within that section is almost impossible.

    What can I do?

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