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  • #31373

    Hi, I have the Evolution Pro.

    I have to change 4 things
    1.- move the text of menu to the center.
    2.- Add a background image in the menu space.
    3.- Add the search at the right of the principal menu
    4.- Change the icon of search.


    @Fermin: Please post in your site URL so that I can check in and better server you.

    1.- move the text of menu to the center.
    — There are different menu is Catch Evolution Pro theme. So, which menu are you talking about. Also the menu text is align center. I think you are talking about moving the primary menu in center. Then you can try adding in the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #header-menu .menu { text-align: center; }
    #header-menu li { display: inline-block; float: none; }
    #header-menu a { text-align: left; }

    2.- Add a background image in the menu space.
    You can change the background color from “Appearance => Theme Options => Color Options”. We really don’t recommend adding background image. It will make your site heavy. You can add the image url and color code in below css and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box
    #header-menu #access { background: url("yourimageurl") #222; }

    3.- Add the search at the right of the principal menu
    — Sorry, there is no option to add search at the right of primary menu. You can add search above it at “Header Right Sidebar” from “Appearance => Widget” or in your other sidebars. This will need to change the theme functions for which you need to hire customizer and then ask him/her to build child theme and add search in primary menu.

    4.- Change the icon of search.
    — Upload the new search icon from “Media => Add New” and then copy your new search icon image url and in the following css add in the url and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box
    .widget_catchevolution_social_search_widget #social-search #s { background-image: url("imageurl"); }


    Thanks Sakin for Answers 1,2 and 4.

    For question , I create a child theme with style imported from catch evolution pro.

    can you help me to add search in the primary menu.

    The web site still not online.


    @Fermin: For 3, I have already told you that it’s difficult one and this goes beyond our support. So, you need hire customizer to work in it. I can give the steps like you have to build child theme which you have done it. Then create blank functions.php file in your child theme folder and then copy catchevolution_header_menu() function from custom-header.php file to your child theme functions.php file and add in <?php get_search_form(); ?> and change the wrapper position and then change the css as per your need.

    Very complicated.


    Ok, leave the search out of navbar.

    Another questions.
    How can I change the type font of principal menu to Arial Narrow and 80 % width?.

    Move the navbar more to the center?

    For example with you help the navbar was moved to the left, but I need leave some space to the left of the menu.
    for example Now it is like
    Home Products etc..
    I need it shows like this
    Home Products etc.
    My site still is offline.


    Hello Fermin,

    It’s really difficult to support when you site is offline. So, can you try adding in the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box, which will change your menu font family to Ariel Narrow and then center the menu.

    #header-menu #access { 
        font-family: "Arial Narrow", Arial, sans-serif; 
        text-align: center; 
    #header-menu li  { 
        display: inline-block; 
        float: none; 
        text-align: left; 

    For advance support, we recommend you to use Hire a Customizer.

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