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  • #16328

    Hi there, a follower of my site told me that my ‘like’ buttons from jetpack are not working on my pages. This seems to be the case since a while as I don’t receive any likes anymore. I wrote to the jetpack support and here’s what they answered: “I had a look at your site, and noticed a few Javascript errors when viewing your posts:
    These errors seem to be created by your theme. Could you switch to one of the default themes for a few minutes, and let me know if the Like buttons start working?
    If so, you’ll want to contact your theme author, and let them know about the Javascript errors displayed in the screenshot above.”
    As I did not have any problems before using the catch pro theme, I guess that I now need to contact you so that you can look into this. Thanks for your help! Jenny (


    @jennyebermann: I need to check in our site to check details about the issue. So, I will email you personally.


    @jennyebermann: Thanks for the access and I have fixed it. The issue was with the with the js of custom social icons. In custom social icon image url, you need to add image uploaded in your own domain. This script cannot take image from other site due to security reason. So, I upload the same image by add image and save it. Now, it works fine.

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