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  • #45625


    I don’t know PHP as much as I would like to.
    I’m preparing a wordpress site, which is gonna be a composite blog website.

    There are two themes that are close to be perfect for me – the Catch Kathmandu and the Newschannel. I’d love to merge them together, using converted slider from CK in the Newschannel. And my problem is, I’m stuck on the very beginning.

    Could you please tell me from the start if such an operation is first of all legal? I am not sure, if I can do whatever I want with the free themes.

    If it is possible to combine these two themes, I would be happy to hear from you how to do it 😉

    My wish is to have the Newschannel theme with a slider from the Catch Kathmandu theme just after the menu.



    @kicia: Yes you can merge two free theme if you know the WordPress Coding. As this level of support is not not provided by us. But you can try our partner using hire a customizer at


    @Sakin thank you a lot for your answer, I think it may be a good solution for me, when i give up doing it by myself.

    I’d like to ask you one more question, if you don’t mind. As I wrote, I do not know PHP very well, but I have no problems with HTML or CSS. My question is, if the slider is connected with one (functions.php) or more PHP files.


    @kicia: It’s connected more 2 php files and 2 JS files. As it’s implemented thorough Theme Options panel and uses settings. I will give you the list of files
    1. jquery.cycle.all.js
    2. catchkathmandu-slider.js
    3. theme-options.php
    4. catchkathmandu-functions.php


    Thank you a lot, Sakin. I’m almost done with it now 🙂

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